Weekly Chat, Sunday, January 17, 2010

Hi All. Don't forget to check last page or so of previous week for all the latest!  Granddaughter made excellent time to AZ - got there at 4 p.m. our time - an 8 hour ride with minimal (comparatively speaking) traffic through LA early this morning.  Thunder received hysterical greeting from Pepito, tiny noisy companion who wondered where Thunder had gone but was much too noisy and excitable to bring along.  Brought Oro home for successful visit after which I went on a hunt-and-scoop mission to clean up yard after two large dogs. Oh fun!  Daughter and I watched Wallace and Gromit DVD (the "were-rabbit" one) - a hoot. OH and I just remembered we have tickets for Charlie Rose (PBS interviewer) this evening so have to hose myself down, prop open my eyelids and try to stay awake for another few hours. Why do these things start at 8 p.m.?!

Thanks Alan for reminder re Phoebe (keep reminding us since I'm so busy running and fetching); four big storms due this week with threat of flooding, high winds,  power outages. Sounds like real weather!!  TerryM: Will pass on gerbil story to hamster!  Lindybird: All hankies put away now!  :-)  Congrats on the redecorating and dibnlib: I'm with you from now on - hire the folks who can do it in half the time (at four times the cost, yes, but....)

Off to comb hair and make self presentable. Have a nice Sunday all.

  • This is another site that shows the rainfall radar for Europe. It is a better display than the met office:


  • Afternoon everyone ... dark and gloomy again here :((

    OG that is terrific news about your son's job ... relief all round I am sure ... and so near to LG ... fantastic!

    Tiger - thanks for the link to the world webcams ... i will never get anything done around the house now!!

    It was great to see the moose last night ... first tme I've seen them ... and also great about Phoebe's 2nd chick ... now we need to hear about Lily!!

    Thanks to others for chat and links


    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • original goldfinch so pleased your son has a job.  You must be over the moon.


    Smiling at the though of Odin flying in with a white gardenia for EJ.


  • That is a lovely thought auntie about a baby blue sky, wish we had some of that here.  It is so dark and dreary and wet.  Hope you are enjoying your day off.


  • Gone dark here now - must be something coming soon!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Morning all: Had problems getting on initially, but went through  "e-mail notification" links and here I am. Super tired yesterday; stayed up too late; now awake too early. Still nothing much going on (am I tempting fate?) today other than pick up Honda and maybe go see Oro in between showers if there is an "in between."  Apparently we had a mini-tornado here yesterday just off the coast - not uncommon in these conditions. 

    Alan: Seemed like the folks on Phoebe's page were surprised too.  Can't see anything on that page right now - and typically you can see something, even at night.

    Auntie: Good for you re household chores and so nice that colleagues work together so well; it makes all the difference.  Lady Day with white gardenias?  What an interesting tradition. I had two gardenia bushes at my Long Beach house - their wonderful fragrance used to fill the house on warm days when the wind was in the right direction.

    Tiger: More superlinks!  Eegads!  I must really sort through all the links I've gathered from these pages and see which ones to keep.  It's such a wonderful way to connect with the rest of the world.

    OG: Hurray for son's new job!  Such a relief for you all after two years looking. Bet he's thrilled.  Good luck with Dau#1; let's hope son's good luck is contagious   Hope today is less stressful for you - and OH who sounds like he's doing the smart thing , going to Caregiver classes.  Being able to pass the time on these pages must be a boon when you can't get around easily.  Above freezing for five days? A veritable heatwave! :-)    But what a pain about the boiler and having to be up and down with it! 

    patriciat:  Poor Fly, not being able to run and chase. I wonder if the arthritis is a common condition among "agility" dogs or to the breed. 

    Margobird:  I know what you mean about having to hire someone to do the housework - and cooking too. So many more enjoyable things to do!  We have moved our birdfeeder to the back of the house under the eaves since we had to put our patio umbrella down because of the winds. They didn't have a problem finding it; must refill one of the hummingbird feeders today.

    Loud thunder rolls nearby; so rare and exciting, must go see if any lightning around!  Take care all; back later.

  • Hello Annette and you are so right about connecting with the world on this site, so many links all of which I have saved and like you I think I had better have a sort out before my PC crashes.


    I assume you like storms, I am absolutely terrified of them.  Have been like it all my life.  My Mum thinks it was because in the second world war a doodlebug (flying bomb) land in the field opposte the house and I was trapped in my bedroom.  My OH loves them when we get them and goes off to the seafront to watch it out over the sea.


    Have a good day.


    Wild boar out already and I can hear a dog barking.


  • OG, what great news about your son!

    Annette, that EJ-gardenia thingy came to my mind from Billie Holiday called Lady Day and she wore white gardenia behind her ear.

    Been watching reruns of  "Band of Brothers" and first part of ten part BBC nature-series (made 2009) narrated by sir R.A but I chose a Finnish narrator `cause I don`t like subtitles blocking something from the beautiful pictures

    Off again, take care all

  • Unknown said:

    This is another site that shows the rainfall radar for Europe. It is a better display than the met office:



    Oh Alan that is a great site. I haved the BBC site since they stopped showing proper cloud cover. You have made my day.

  • OG  Thrilled for your son. Many congrats to him. My Husky friend lives at Tomatin and works in Grantown on Spey. She is a nurse at the Iain Charles hospital. Hope he finds a place to live before long. No doubt work colleagues can help with that.