I have always felt that we should have a thread for EJ as well as Odin.

My countdown clock says that we might expect her to swoop into Loch Garten 76 days from now. I hjope it has warmed up by then.


  • I wish I had a big grinning face to upload Tiger - I  am delighting in your delight . What a triumph. I've also commented on the main blog.

    50F , mmm .... so then , how much did you win????????????



  • Hazel b said:

    A few day ago I made my prediction that EJ would return at 2.15pm on Thursday 24th March. Then I realized that I was supposed to be somewhere at 2.00pm. I tried to postpone just to be able to see if my prediction came true not I had much faith that it would.

    I decided I would be late for my appointment. However as it came to 2.10pm I began to write my excuses for having got my prediction wrong. On the other hand I kept telling myself that if she had already arrived I would have been wrong.

    As the clock moved to 2.14pm I really got ready to post my message as soon as the clock hit 2.15pm. Then amazingly there she was flying on to the nest. It was so incredibly exciting.

    I posted this on the main board at exactly 2.15pm

    2.15pm. There is a bird on the nest a few minutes ago but not an osprey. That my EJ prediction gone awry. :(

    OMG She is there.

    So there EJ you have given me one of the most exciting moments in my entire life.

    Tiger you are amazing!!  If they sell lottery tickets where you live you may want to consider buying one. With  your precise prediction on EJ's  return maybe  you can also  choose the winning  numbers LOL 


    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • Our Tiger is very wise, indeed. Very impressive prediction!!! (On the other thread, I already asked him to pick some lottery numbers for me. LOLOL) Well done, Tiger!

  • Cirrus   I won 1000 Francs which was worth about £100.

    Barbara Jean  No trying to predict the lottery is a lot more difficult. Lotteries are a tax on people who have a poor understanding of probability.

    Diane  Thank you ever so much.


  • EJ you have made a lot of people very happy tonight.

  • Hazel b said:

    Cirrus   I won 1000 Francs which was worth about £100.


    Oh, not bad at all Tiger - wow , a hundred quid win on the gee gees !!

    Now then . WOT is EJ going to do with that great clod of grass that Odin brought in more of less last thing last season. It's clearly in EJ's way of a nest cup and it's certainly in our way !!

  • This is continuing a discussion about EJ from the sightings thread.

    Question. Has EJ ever been sighted anywhere apart from LG? I don't think so, not on either migration, in any year, nor in any wintering location either. A girl who likes her privacy, when not appearing on LGTV. Correct?

    Well, possibly at Rothiemurchus in the early days, or when she was ringed. But not counting those occasions.

    ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data Site

    Sat track schedule Spring 2014

    LG 7 days; RW & SWT nil; LDOP varies

  • Thought you might like to see this Tiger; I took it from the centre shortly after EJ landed!

  • That is a lovely pic, thank you Julie.

    Good to see you and hope you are well :)