Weekly Chat, Sunday, January 3, 2010!!

Hi all:  Here's to a problem-free week on the site.  Check out the last week's final page or so for updates from everyone, including one from Maureen (HillaryH) who's back with us after a hospital stay due to a chest infection and wants directions to Google Earth. Maureen - assume you downloaded GE before? If not, just go to http://earth.google.com/ and click on the Download Google Earth 5 button at right.  I can't remember right now how to load Rothes and Mallachie's route; perhaps someone else will let you know if you need additional info.  Glad you're back!

Alan posted a hummingbird link (http://vimeo.com/hummingbirds#8409299) for those who missed it and the week's chat ended with a long post from OG, who'd been composing it for days but was unable to get it on the site due to the techy problems!    And no OG, haven't attempted the printer-wireless problem yet; can only handle one techy problem at week it seems!!

Have a nice Sunday all. Let's see if this posts



  • Thanks Tiger she really is a beautiful little bird.


  • Thanks for the hummingbird link Tiger. It is amazing how tiny they are but also how they have similar traits to much larger birds.


    Margobird : Thanks for your good wishes. I also hope you stay safe and warm on this very wintery day. One good thing is that Sunset today is at 16:01, The first time is has been after 4p.m. so we are getting there little by little.


  • Morning all

    I have just come back from a shopping mission to ASDA - I think everyone else had the same idea as me - stocking up before the weather gets any worse! The main road through the town was ok but everything else is treacherous. We had a couple more inches of snow overnight and more is forecast for the next few days.

    I too have been cleaning and re-filling the bird feeders several times a day, but am fighting a losing battle with the bird bath.

    Thanks for the hummingbird link Tiger ... they are  fantastic little birds.

    Hope everyone manages to stay safe today.

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • Margobird, glad you are seeing doctor. We can all be guilty of leaving things too long before we resort to seeing the doc.

    Tiger, thanks for the humming bird link. It does help me to try and imagine the actual size of bird / egg.

    I have stopped trying to keep the bird baths clear of ice. Think I may end up smashing the ceramic ones. I have resorted to using large plastic pot trays and the birds seem happy with them. One of our 'frost proof' large pots has developed a large crack from top to bottom  overnight.

  • Morning, All.  Heavy frosts here yesterday, but then surprise this morning, to wake up to over 5 inches of snow all over!!  Very unusual for this part of UK, we don't get extremes of anything on the Cheshire Plain as a rule.  Have been out taking photos of the garden, & refilling all the bird feeders. Glad we stocked up on food at the weekend, so no need to go anywhere.

    Was not on this blog yesterday, as had guests for dinner last night (relatives, so much joking & puzzling over puzzles, very nice). Made a cheesecake with some old gelatine from the cupboard, & it didn't set properly so almost poured each slice out onto the plates- still tasted good tho!   Can't reply to all posts, except to say have enjoyed reading them & seeing all the pics.

    Busy now putting away all the Christmas mugs (we have so many....)  & getting ready to pack up the Tree & all the decs. Keep warm & safe everyone.

  • Unknown said:

    Eagle now on webcam at store mosse national park:


    Not sure if this is the webcam you posted or not Alan. This is a live cam on the hummingbird.





  • Hi everyone.

    We had a couple of centimetres of snow over night but nowhere near as much as some places.  The bird feeding operation was a long one this morning due to the fact that everything was frozen.  Took me ages to get the outside tap unfrozen.

    Caerann:  Thanks for posting the pictures.  They're excellent images.

      I know exactly what you mean about worrying for birds in cold weather.  It's been so cold here at times I wouldn't blame them asking to get into the house.

    Alan: I know how frustrating it is trying to defrost bird baths.  The ones in my garden have been a nightmare these past couple of weeks.  Thanks for the webcam link.

    Tiger:  Thanks for the hummingbird link.  They're fantastic wee birds.

    Have a safe and warm day everybody, and a very happy Tuesday.


    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • AUNTIE  hope you are well                 the weather is atrocious here so i can only think yours is even worse

  • Just to let all know there is a new blog with news of Rothes but still nothing from Mallachie.  I am being positive and hoping she will turn up in a couple of years time.  Stay safe all.
