So What Posters Are Missing in Action?

It is the beginning of the osprey season and as always some posters are still missing in action.

What posters are missing that you particularly enjoy hearing from?

One of my favs is Robert The Bruce.


  • I'm still really missing Moffer, Mims, as well as RtB and Heron77.

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • Hello all!

    The reports of my death (at least on the LG group) are greatly exaggerated. However...

    Whilst my health is somewhat improved, I have finding life rather stressful (part of the original problem!) as I now have a new job which is not really something I've done before, and has little job security either (like most jobs these days sadly). I should like to have worked part-time, but jobs are like hens' teeth these days, and I couldn't turn it down, no matter what the cost. I am not used to working full-time, as I haven't done so for several years, and it's been really tiring, especially the driving.

    To be perfectly honest though, I had somewhat lost interest here before the job turned up (and it really was purely by chance), due mainly to the "dog's breakfast" (I'm getting to use that expression much more since my interest in government politics lol) that was made of the forum software. I am never one to ignore problems, especially technical ones, so after me and several others banging their heads against a brick wall for a while I decided the best thing for my sanity was to sit the thing out until something positive happened (which it *seems* to have done, on a first reading/posting). While taking a break from it all, so to speak, I decided there were actually more important (or at least pressing) things in my life than ospreys. I do occasionally read updates on Facebook (where I seem to spend most of my online life these days, mainly for campaigning reasons), although even the Dyfi ones haven't always caught my interest of late. I completely missed the tagging, not to mention the departure of the Loch Garten birds, which is something I don't ever remember having done since I started watching ospreys. Well, things change and life moves on I suppose....

    Anyway, essay/rant over! I am glad to hear that margobird is (or may be) on the mend - her difficulties have certainly put mine into perspective. And I am also glad to be able to pop my head in and see that some of the usual suspects are still around - you know who you are ;-)

    "Only two things are infinite - the universe and human stupidity. And I'm not too sure about the universe..." - Albert Einstein

  • Hello RtB, so nice to see you again!  I know what you mean when you say there is a life outside ospreys, but it is difficult to get away from them!  I hope your job works out for you, and perhaps we will see you back here next spring.  In the meantime, take care, and pop in occasionally just to make sure we are not getting out of line!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • Hi RtheB!   So pleased to see that you are indeed still "in the land of the living" even though you may be somewhat busy these days. Hope the new job works out OK and that you can get used to such long hours.  It does take a huge effort to keep track of what is happening in the Osprey World when your own life is rather full, so you can as you say always check for events on the Facebook pages, or pop in here where we will always be pleased to see you. Do take care of yourself.

    (ps.  I do miss your cheerful input however)

  • RtheB: Good to see you but sorry the "business" side of life is proving stressful. It can be quite a shock to go full-time after part-time work. Even if it's not physically taxing, just having to be up and out the door early - and from the sounds of it, with a nasty commute to boot - is exhausting. Do hope things get easier sooner than later. In the meantime, take care; drive safe.

  • Hello, RtB, and thank you for taking the trouble to explain so much to us :-*   I hope you will "acclimatise" to full-time work but wish you didn't have to when you are not fully fit.

    I can understand that the forum melt-down would have prompted you to re-prioritise, they've got a lot to answer for :'(  Please pop in when you can, it will be such a treat to see you.

  • RtB, we've really missed you - we're delighted you've got work and we hope it lasts, even if it's tiring.  Don't ever be in doubt about a welcome from us - just pop your head in the door and say hello as many times as you wish.

    Take care!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good to hear from you RtB. Thank you for such a full reply. Sorry about the job situation. I truly hope things become less stressful for you. Look forward to hearing from you whenever you find the time.

  • My thoughts are with you too RtheB -  I'm in one of those 'don't' want the job'  but 'need' the job, jobs. Good luck .  Commuter traffic is just awful as well. I'm campaigning against such jobs as yours that have no security. Even in my place of work I have a contract that's enviable - new recruits have nothing and are not paid for being sick.  Ye gods!   My heart goes out to you