Evening/morning!. Hope it's a good week for all. Check the previous blog for the latest adventures of Emma Peel and Steed plus recent posts from the usual suspects. :-)
Emma - what a whirl! Hope daughter's new boyfriend isn't headed back to Afghanistan any time soon.
EDIT: Oh this is interesting, in the following sentence, I typed the name of Germany's controlling political party during the late 30s/early 40s and it was replaced by asterisks! Just watched a great Netflix DVD - The Rape of Europa - about the pillaging of art by the *** and the subsequent repatriation of (most of) it after the war. Really interesting with footage I'd never seen before. After that, even more leftover Txgiving pie and rerun of Bridget Joans's Diary on telly while perusing latest Xmas catalogs. Have a good Sunday!
Alan, DjoanS, sorry you missed fledging but in all honesty, it was so quick I am not sure what memory I have of the drama, except the speed with which they both left the nest and together. I am not sure if something didn't frighten them and forced the rapid exit.
Caerann, love the phrase about the banana split:) Hope you had a goood day
Dibnlib, dogs/pets in general can't have enough soft toys.
Busy day here so in and out a bit. Have a great weekend if I don't speak to people.
Glad people saw/didn't see the hummers. I hadn't been following but sounded exciting. And both leaving at th same time.
Brenda H I am another one who missed the fledging although I had looked in earler today. Wish then both a good start to life outside the nest.
Thanks for that JSB will be looking forward to it.
Alan: Do you know if the baby hummers come back to the nest or not? I wondered if they're like robins and don't return or if they're like raptors who do for a period after first flight.
Hi, all.
I haven't had time to catch up with all the chat yet. But for those who missed the fledging of the hummingbirds, here is a recording:
The babies fledge at about 02:53:01. So click on the bar at the bottom and move the video forward to about 02:52, and you can watch the fledge. It is very fast!!!
DjoanS: Loved the singing animals video!
dibnlib: Are you talking about the TV series Creature Comforts? I absolutely adored that show!!! I loved the Uk version and the US version. I so wish they would bring it back. So, so funny.http://www.creaturecomforts.tv/uk
Will catch up with everyone later after I have read the chat. I just wanted to post the recording of the hummer fledge for people who missed it.
Thanks Diane you are right it was extremely fast.
Diane : Thanks for the replay. Just watched it and now I know why I missed it.
Caerann : As far as I know they dont return to the nest so we will just have to wait for the next brood.
Diane, thanks for the clip. It was like a magic trick it was so fast.
Oh dear. Did it again. Typed some stuff, then somehow closed the window while looking at something else - in this case Cornell University's Ornithology Lab's webpage. Busy running around all day, then home to nice glass (or two) of wine.
Diane: Thanks so much for the hummingbird clip. Never seen anything disappear that fast: They literally vanished in the blink of an eye. You could hear Mrs. H's - I assume - sharp little chirps in the minute or so after they left. I'm really going to have to figure out how to encourage nesting in our garden. But with a cat that could be a challenge....