Weekly Chat, Sunday November 29,2009

Evening/morning!. Hope it's a good week for all.  Check the previous blog for the latest adventures of  Emma Peel and Steed plus recent posts from the usual suspects.   :-)

Emma - what a whirl!  Hope daughter's new boyfriend isn't headed back to Afghanistan any time soon.

EDIT: Oh this is interesting, in the following sentence, I typed the name of Germany's controlling political party during the late 30s/early 40s and it was replaced by asterisks!  Just watched a great Netflix DVD - The Rape of Europa - about the pillaging of art by the *** and the subsequent repatriation of (most of) it after the war. Really interesting with footage I'd never seen before. After that, even more leftover Txgiving pie and rerun of Bridget Joans's Diary on telly while perusing latest Xmas catalogs. Have a good Sunday!