Weekly Chat, 26 February, 2012


Time flies and so do ospreys! This week will usher in the month of March. The ospreys are starting to feel that little spark in their hearts that says, "It's time to go home!"

Don't forget to look back to last week's chat thread or you will miss some good comments, including a post from Emma Peel! Welcome back, Emma!

News for This Week

2012 is a Leap Year, and Wednesday, 29 February, is Leap Day. I intend to honor this day by re-evaluating my own life, leaving behind some negative, unproductive old habits and leaping forward with both feet into a brighter future.

"Don't be afraid to take a big step. You can't cross a chasm in two small jumps."
-- David Lloyd George


Also: Watch for aurora activity -- Northern Lights -- starting today! On 24 February, an eruption on the sun created a "canyon of fire" that stretched 400,000 km from end to end (video here, scroll down on the page)! The energy cloud is expected to hit the Earth's atmosphere on 26 February at 1:30 p.m. U.K. time (13:30 UT/GMT). The Northern Lights will be visible much further south than normal and may be a good show.

Also: I had to include this link because I just love birds' nests. Check out this incredible U.S. House Finch nest, which includes a fake flower, sewing scraps, a twisty tie, cellaphane, plastic, paper, and all manner of household items. The photographer has created a book of birds' nests and eggs. You can see more of her gorgeous and interesting bird creations HERE. Just click on a thumbnail photo to start the slideshow. I loved these!!! (EDIT: The nests and eggs were part of collections in science and zoology museums; no current wild birds were disturbed.)

Also: Especially for Annette and AQ: Australian researchers have revealed that they've filmed a pod of rare Shepherd's beaked whales for the first time in history. These whales are so rare that no population estimates even exist. They've only been seen twice and never filmed at all!

Everyone have a great week! Roll on spring!

  • Good afternoon all and only time for a quick read through of all the posts for which I thank you all.  Thanks also for all the captures and photos.  No time for individual replies as I have Rhys for the day.  Have just put him down for a nap so have jobs to do while he sleeps.  He is an adorable child but I think I will feel pretty tired by the time Mum comes to collect him tonight.  Have been charging round the garden with him this morning playing football.  Very good with his food and ate all his lunch with no problems at all.  Will try and catch up tomorrow.


  • Afternoon all,

    Another mild day with current temp 11.7c but cloudy and damp. Hamish has been groomed this morning and is now sleeping it off.

    Margo : I see that Rhys is keeping you on your toes again.

    Patriciat : sorry your weather is so wet. We are the complete opposite here with extremely dry conditions and I even managed to cut the grass today.

    Annette : Nice pic of the large crow at the fountain and the one of Lightning.

    Thanks to everyone else for the chat etc. 

    Some more sad news today. Lima the mate of Pale Male has been found dead:


  • Its been a dull day here but fine, no rain as yet but badly needed.  Came past our local resevoir on way back from church and it is looking a little forlorn as the level of the water is going down and down.

    Annette - like your dark visitor and I take it Lightening is your cat, he looks gorgeous!  As expected I believe "The Artist" got the prestigous award but Meryl Streep managed to get "best actress" award.

    AQ - you are suffering with that weather, send some our way instead so that it can go up to the North ready for EJ and Odin,   LOL............

    Alan - great news about the egg and lovely capture.

  • Hang on!! pics didn't materialize will try again - these were taken last night our time.   Late afternoon at Harrison Bay, early evening at Norfolk, and at Decorah.  both there at Norfolk when I visited the cam.

     standing at the side of the nest

     flown off

     sitting again.

    I take it this can be normal behaviour - it seemed to be blowing a gale and eggs were exposed for a few mins


  • OK here they are. John Wrights stunning pics from West Africa:


  • Alan - Just had a quick look at these pics - you're right they are stunning. Will look at leisure this evening while OH is watching the War again :-))

  • Dreich weather.  Domestic jobs all done – including my share of the dreaded ironing!  Had to reconsider my menus for coming weeks as firstly J has booked a weekend at his sister’s soon (Dau#1 in Co Durham) and secondly we collectively decided a change to our usual weekend schedule – I prefer how it has become, as it is back to how I used to have it!

    Thanks for compliments re Swan photos.  I was disappointed – but I always expect perfection and rarely achieve it!  I have promised myself I will spend time learning to use more of the camera’s functions to improve my shots!

    Tiger – I don’t think Jewel’s cubs have been named so far – not even sure they know the sexes yet.

    Annette – proud-looking bird on your very elegant fountain – and good to see Lightning again!  Why do cats so love to drink in the garden while ignoring their water dish?

    AQ – more about Carrick/City of Adelaide today (in the English news this time) – Sunderland activists still hoping to get their hands on her!  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-17174721  I guess I should record more the family stuff I learned by keeping my ears open as a child!  I have used some in the family tree by verifying my vague memories online.  After all this good physio, you’ll be skipping around like a kitten after the op – but that humidity, how can you bear it?  Enjoy company for dinner Wed night!

    Sandra – it was the same last year in Lily’s den – one louder cub – and I seem to remember dear Hope had quite a temper in 2010, despite having Mum to herself!

    Patricia – the decorating sounds good, so long as you keep the dogs confined to other rooms, as you say.  Nice that it will be someone you and OH know, too.  My email reply re camera was a bit short – will add more advice later!

    Margo – how nice for you to have Rhys for the day – sounds like he is easily fed and entertained, but a good thing he still has a nap, for you to recover ;-))

    Alan – grass cut again?  I thought you did it last week?  Sad that Pale Male has lost his new mate – I wonder if there is time for him to find another before breeding starts?  OOOOH! Peregrine Egg – I know it’s in Italy, but getting closer to ours!  Thanks fro W Africa pics – stunning, as you say!  Will definitely have a second look later.

    Lynette (and all affected) sorry about empty reservoirs!  Not exactly raining here now – just damp!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Annette: I loved your photos you posted last night! Your garden is just beautiful. So nice of you to install that sprinkler system for Lightening. LOL!!!

    Alan: Absolutely FAB photo collection! I have to confess that I'm enjoying  the photos of the many very colourful birds and other wildlife as much as the ospreys. Does that make me a bad person? :-)))

    What bit that guy on the leg in that third set of photos?!? Dang! That swelling looks very dangerous.

    Thanks so much for posting these. I'm going to look at them in small batches while I work on the house tonight. Yay!

    EDIT: Hi, OG. Our posts crossed. I think your photography is pretty darn close to perfect!

    EDIT again: Alan, that photographer is my kind of guy. Everyone don't miss the story about how he nearly died rescuing a large chameleon (lizard)!