Weekly Chat, Sunday November 15, 2009

Hallo folks. Not much action yesterday afternoon on last week's chat, though SueC quoted a poem by the Wolof fishermen of Senegal about ospreys, which I found reassuring.

  • Got our Christmas "wrapped up" this year - the two of us will be away for a Christmas Houseparty!  This is something we have always wanted to try.

    Our children are somewhat surprised and Daughter no2 actually said "you'll hate it!" - but we rarely see her and her family at Christmas anyway, so it's really up to us!  Usually see Daughter no1 and family between the two festivals, and Son (now unemployed and staying with her) usually appears at some point - this year we know he will come at New Year when she has friends visiting.

    Talking of festival days, someone local remarked that we've had hallowe'en and bonfire night "so now nothing until Christmas".  I (English) reminded her (Scottish) that we have St Andrew's Day first!!!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Margobird: good to hear from you again - glad you managed all you had planned for the weekend, and that you are still on your feet.  Thought of you down there in all that weather - pleased it didn't interupt your travel plans.  Thanks for your kind words (this also to others who have commented).

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Morning all enjoyed all the photographs and chat from yesterday. Did anybody watch the countryfile programme last night about the chuffs on the Wash.  They were ringing them and taking different measurements of the birds because by measuring the length of beak, wing and foot they can tell if the bird came from Canada, Scandanavia or Greenland and thereby see if the birds are declining in which areas. Everyone have a good day and remember there is always tomorrow.

    george g

  • Thanks for the comments about the sunset. It had been such a grey , miserable day and then that happened!.

    AQ, that sounds a lot of eating which is fine by me LOL. I confess we (when I lived at home and since being married) have always cooked our turkey the day before and it still is delicious. That flower looks lovely, hanging on in the heat.

    Dibnlib, glad Dillon is feeling better:)

    Margobird, glad you had a nice weekend and well done of staying on your feet!! LOL

    OG, well done on doing something different.

  • Lindybird, just a thought on up loading photo's, I had trouble when I tried to put on photo's direct from the camera to this site. I had to put them on the computer first and then upload from there. I don't know how you are doing it or if this is no help.

    Morning George:)

  • hi annette

    garden  gnomes - now there's a thought... no but what we do have are 2 frogs. the first is reclining in a deck chair with a hanky on his head and wearing shorts and a very smug grin and the 2nd is rowing a boat and has caught a fish so also smug grin - altogether very froglike!!!!!!LOL

  • wonder if I can manage a 2nd photo. if so this is dillon in his element down at loch an eilein not far fromLG. must tell you not to worry i won't bombard you as we have hardly taken any photos with our digital camera!!!!(must do better,i think      anyway,here goes

  • He is just gorgeous I love seeing dogs swimming.  My sister has a springer spaniel and he loves swimming in the river in the New Forest whatever the weather.  Has even been known to break the ice so he can have his swim.


  • The weather was pretty awful but it did not spoil things and yes I feel quite pleased with myself for staying upright.


  • Unknown said:

    Morning all enjoyed all the photographs and chat from yesterday. Did anybody watch the countryfile programme last night about the chuffs on the Wash.  They were ringing them and taking different measurements of the birds because by measuring the length of beak, wing and foot they can tell if the bird came from Canada, Scandanavia or Greenland and thereby see if the birds are declining in which areas. Everyone have a good day and remember there is always tomorrow.

    Sorry, George, they were actually Sanderlings - a small plump energetic wading bird, part of the sandpiper family, usually a winter visitor to the UK or further south, breeding in the Arctic.  A Chough is a British-breeding member of the crow family, found almost exclusively on the cliffs and cliff-top fields of the Western UK.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!