Weekly Chat, Sunday November 8

Hi all. Just got this started before zipping off to bluegrass concert. Check out the previous blog for nifty photos of alpacas from OG and more!

  • Popped in at the right time and saw eagle on ground, good quality webcam as well.


  • Margobird - so glad you are feeling somewhat better - don't overdo things - housework will still be there another day!!

    I am loving the white-tailed eagle webcam - brilliant quality pictures - it looks beautiful when its snowing even when there's no bird activity :))

    Am off to check the other links that have been suggested on here.

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • Afternoon all,

    This morning I have been assisting with the writing of the Christmas cards mission.

    Weather today is not good. Patchy light rain at the moment . Temp 6.6c , Wind ESE 2mph.

    Just had my first ever goldfinch on my new niger seed feeder. Picture is a bit grainy as light not good: 

  • Alan ... great news about your goldfinch ... my niger seed feeder was up for a whole season before they started using it! I haven't seen any in my garden for a week or two ... does anyone know if they stay around all year .. or move to warmer parts of the country?

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • Alan you are a marvel assisting with the Christmas card writing.  How organised I have not even got my cards yet, partly due to my little accident which laid me low for over a week.

    Lovely picture of a goldfinch.  I am trying to coax them into my garden but no luck yet.  I have got a visitor I have not had since we had the snow earlier this year and that is a pied wagtail.  Have been watching it on and off all morning.


  • Alan: congrats on the Goldfinch.  We first of all experimented with one of the really tiny prefilled ones sold by RSPB, just to find out if they would come from the field hedges into the garden - two came immediately - don't know how they sniff it out!

    Saw the white tailed eagle feeding - thanks for link.  Seemed to be surrounded by magpies and jackdaws waiting for a share!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Great picture Alan, thanks. They are so colourful.

    Annette, great link and photo, amazing. Thanks.

    Caerann, thanks for the penguin photo's.  I love to see them just milling around like that:) I often wonder what they are talking about.

    OG, sounds a lot going on as always.

    Margobird, glad you are a little better, that is good news.

    Sorry I'm not contributing much, seem to not have as much time lately but enjoying all the chat even if not adding to it.

    Having a rich tea biccie and a coffee. I'm trying out a new creamer im the coffee, "chocolate mint truffle". Very nice and sweet!

  • Mornng all

    Caerann: Thanks for posting the link to the Lola pix. I like the one with the jet - no contest!  I imagine that hawks simply don't want to be hassled by small, feisty birds (a bit like us waving away flies), but it seems awfully nervy of the smaller birds.

    Alan: I followed  the White Tailed Eagle link a couple of times over the last few days, but am not sure I'm then choosing the correct option. There's the "Winter White Tailed-Eagle cam," which has one color image (no snow right now),  then the "direct stream" link that shows what looks like two black-and-white pix (with snow) side by side. Can't discern any movement of leaves, etc., on either and wondering if I'm doing something wrong. Which one are you guys seeing the eagle on?  Congrats on the goldfinch. I was thrilled when I saw our first Oriole show up at the feeder last year.

    OG. I too wish the penguins were live, but there's something about them. I guess everyone saw "March of the Penguins." I think they made a film about the making of the film(!) but haven't seen that yet.

    Gary: Mmmm. Rich tea biccie eh?  Just one, right?  I'm a half-and-half person when it comes to coffee and cream!  Do you get McVitie's Digestives where you are? I buy them at Cost Plus when I'm feeling reckless.

    off for breakfast and potter with daughter. Have a nice day all.


  • Hope you have a nice day Annette

    I had 2 rich tea's! I can get McVities from Stop and Shop (not sure if you have them your side?) but they are about $6 a packet so they are now a treat. We bring some back whenever we travel. Funny what you miss!

  • Good Morning Day Everybody!

    All this talk of holiday cards reminded me I need to post a link to these beautiful songbird cards that play the individual call when you open them. There are U.S.A. and U.K. bird cards, even a Belted Kingfisher for Alan. Talk about FAB!
