Weekly Chat, 4 December 2011


News for This Week

Okay, folks, this is a big week. The Full Moon is Saturday, December 10. Here's the good part: There's a TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE, and we'll all get to see part or all of it! Woo hoo!!!

The full duration of the eclipse can be seen in Australia (yay, AQ), New Zealand, Alaska in the U.S., northern Canada, central and eastern Asia, and most of Russia.

The moon will rise already eclipsed in Europe, Africa, and eastern Russia. The moon will set eclipsed in the U.S., Mexico, and parts of Canada.

So all of you in the U.K. can see the eclipse as the moon rises. We in the U.S. can see the eclipse as the moon sets. Those in Australia can see the full length of the eclipse.

People on the west coast of the United States and Canada will see the beginning of totality just as the moon disappears below the western horizon (yay, Annette). But viewers on the U.S. east coast will not be able to see the start of totality before moonset.

For times, maps, and info, click HERE. There will not be another Total Lunar Eclipse until April of 2014.

Everybody have a great week!!!