Weekly Chat, Sunday October 18, 2009

  • ps:  OG :  Like all your clever containers  - when I 1st found your message, the pic you put on did not come up, until after I posted the above note.

  • What a word Terry! Very impressive:)

    Hope everyone else is doing OK

    Just read the blog and incredible, they are even closer!

    Just had the dentist to the horses (which is quite interesting on it's own).

    Have "fun" Annette.

  • Lindybird said:

    ps:  OG :  Like all your clever containers  - when I 1st found your message, the pic you put on did not come up, until after I posted the above note.

    Sometimes think I would like all matching containers, other times decide I prefer it to look more random, less like an art gallery .... .... "I used to be undecided, but now I'm not so sure" !

    Is anyone else finding that control key character formatting has been disabled?  Just after we all shared how to do it!  We'll have to stick with multiple exclamation marks for emphasis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • gary a said:

    Just had the dentist to the horses (which is quite interesting on it's own).

    O, Gary, do tell us about it!

    By the by, everybody, the chocolate cake was not nice!  Well, the cake was good, but the sauce used as filling was quite greasy - not a successful experiment - but he'll eat it all up!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG, sorry to hear the cake didn't quite work out. Still, your hubby sounds like me, nothing goes to waste!

    My Control keys seem to be working OK. I often hit shift by mistake

    The dentsit for the horses. They have their teeth filed/floated to take off any sharp edges. Also check the bite is OK. Dentist has a contraption that keeps the mouth open and she sticks her hand in and uses long files to file away!! She also has electric ones if there is a lot to do. You have to give the horse a mild sedative otherwise they would never stand still (suprisingly!!)

  • gary a said:

    OG, sorry to hear the cake didn't quite work out. Still, your hubby sounds like me, nothing goes to waste!

    My Control keys seem to be working OK. I often hit shift by mistake

    The dentsit for the horses. They have their teeth filed/floated to take off any sharp edges. Also check the bite is OK. Dentist has a contraption that keeps the mouth open and she sticks her hand in and uses long files to file away!! She also has electric ones if there is a lot to do. You have to give the horse a mild sedative otherwise they would never stand still (suprisingly!!)

    I thought I might be hitting shift or something else by mistake, so watched, and I definitely use control.  Will try again now: bold italic - now that's bold and italic - couldn't do that last time I tried!  I think my problem before was maybe releasing pressure a bit on the control key while using right hand elewhere - no left/right hand co-ordination, that's me!!!!!!

    I sympathise with the horses - I too have to have sedation for the dentist!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Annette, Tiger also has 'day' beds - 2 of them!!  One sits on top of the filing cabinet near my computer, next to my right shoulder as I type.  The other is on top of cabinets in our sunroom, from where he can monitor the cat door for interlopers, as well as seeing and hearing the bird activity in our back yard.  I'll put a couple more pics in my Gallery when I get a minute.  Oh, and cats really DO smile, but in a much less obvious way than dogs.  When they are really happy or particularly pleased with themselves, the edges of their mouths curve up quite noticeably, and their cheeks puff out accordingly.  ☺

    Smiles, Jan.

  • Hey Wattle:  If cats smile when they're pleased with themselves, they should have achy jaws since it seems they're always pleased with themselves! 

    Re teeth: I remember growing up in the UK and never having a shot before a filling. And those slow drills!! Still hate going to a dentist.  Went by a new dental office the other day and they had monitors over the treatment chairs so patients can watch movies while they're being worked on. Of course, it's all added to the bill, so we'll probably stick with our folksy guy and just watch the birds outside his window.

  • Saturday morn 9.05 am. I'm going to be more confused about time when your clocks change this weekend and next. So much reading to catch up - sorry I am going to backtrack a little. I have visited the Wildlife Park near Aviemore twice. Definitely on my list again if I chance to return to Scotland. Grass is greener on the other side of the fence?

  • And another from the Wildlife Park. These Kiang remind me of a gaggle of schoolgirls whispering secrets together LOL