Weekly Chat, Sunday October 18, 2009

Hi everyone. If you didn't catch pages 20 and 21 of last week's blog, check them out for lovely photos of Woodpigeons, sunset at Solway, and a wonderful shot of 10 puppies!!  And, of course, interesting and funny posts from fellow bloggers.

  • Unknown said:

    Oh Wattle - is is OK for me to catnap Tiger? I so enjoy a cat but don't have one anymore. Tiger is GORGEOUS.

    Gary, well, I do understand, it's just that I'm worried abut the PC being down when I have a payment to make. Our credit card companies make it plain that it's the individual's responsibility to pay on time (or else incur a HUGE fee) whatever the problems are. Now, let me see .... mmmmm.   rats! no, what you were doing outside quite defeats me  :)  looking for Cranes migrating over head possibly   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. No, Careann says they've been grounded for 18 days now.


    Hope you enjoyed lunch Cirrus

    I was outside with some garden equipment (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) but knew everyone would groan/roll eyes etc :)))

  • Gary, would hazard a guess that you met Ernest for a social get together.

    Or should I have said social gathering !

  • Very good Brenda! LOL

    Yes, and I have an appointment with his big brother later today......

    Hope everyone is doing well today. Things very uneventful over here which is just how I like them..

  • aquilareen, lovely grandkitten!

    Wattle15, your Tiger looks almost identical to my cat!! Mine is a girl though and has a little bit more white in her face.

    Gary don`t forget tell my best wishes to Ernest Hemingway ;)


  • Thanks Alan. Incredible they are so close. Must be a good chance of them getting closer still.

  • Thanks, Alan - off to read it (its early today)

  • Morning all: Wow. M and R so close to each other. Migration is just an amazing phenomenon.

    Caerann: Always wanted to dance like Vera Ellen/Cyd Charisse/Anne Miller. Maybe in my next life.. Enjoy your wilderness book - that should keep you out of the bars (pubs) for a week or two.  :-)   Don't know about crochet, but knitting classes are now a big thing over here; I used to knit in the UK, but who needs wool sweaters in Soutern California!  By the way , I'm also a latecomer to birding ID. In school I used to draw them with four legs and could never understand why it didn't look right. It's been a long learning curve...

    AQ: Oh dear, but bunnies are so sweet and monitor lizards are so not-sweet.  Guess some people's pests are other people's pets.  Speaking of cats and grand-kittens, why do they always look like they should be at the spa?

    OG. If my bank asks me what else they can do, I'm going to ask them to stop paying their top execs billions of dollars in bonuses. (Now off soapbox.)  Your Woodie is clearly recovered.

    Cirrus: Did you take a movie to watch with Brenda?  She must appeciate your visits. I was reluctant to do banking online, but hubby always has (we've only been married 7 years) so now I do and like it; though you do need to watch for "phishing" e-mails. We've had quite a few from Bank of America look-alikes, telling us there's a problem with an account and can we click on this link to confirm info. We never do, but do forward such e-mails to the bank's official  "abuse" site. Just don't send info unless you've initiated the contact. 

     Wattle: Good to see you and My! That's one handsome cat. Another pet who clearly understands who's boss!

    Gary! Hope the Hemingway clan isn't as rowdy as the original. Do they get drunk and roar about the garden and rush off to join revolutions?  Like Alan said, we can't let machines think too much.

  • Wow!! Double Wow!  Lots of exclam. marks!!!!   This year has turned out to be so exciting, its just one thing after another with this osprey family. Whatever will they do next? Shall still be looking in to see what's happened for ages yet, then.

    Wattle:   Your Tiger is one handsome gentleman, just love him. Thanks for giving us a pic to drool over- I'm another catless cat lover, don't know how long I can hold out now as I always used to have at least one or two but its a bind when you want to go away for a few days or even longer.

    Cirrus:  Hope you had a pleasant afternoon with your friend, I'm sure she appreciates your visits (& you can do no more, so don't beat yourself up about anything).

  • Gary:  Now, it's no good being coy, we know that you're a secret LBA  (Leaf Blower Addict). Just come clean..... oh hang on, you just did, you cleaned up the yard!