LG Osprey GABFEST - November

October has come and gone and once again it is time to open a new thread for the Gabfest..

During October we did finish the movie WILD MOUNTAIN THYME, complete with musical score, as planned. We launched it into distribution with its own World Premier. The Stars and most of the Supporting Cast were there appropriately dressed for their glitzy walk down the red carpet. Unfortunately co-stars EJ & ODEN and family were unable to attend as they are all currently on migration to Africa.

Keith surprised us with some very interesting bird & wildlife reports direct from the Sahara Dessert and from his own equatorial Island in the Sun. His on-the-spot factual reports helped us to understand the dangers our osprey face once they complete their long hazardous journey.

Our first music night was a smashing success that left everyone eager for the second.

Then we ended the month with a wonderfully thoughtful and caring discussion of the benefits or possible harm of the tracking of osprey and other birds.

NOVEMBER will bring continued reports and DISCUSSIONS of our own “Special Three“, Tore, Bynack and Rothes who have arrived safely in Africa. We will be watching especially for news of Bynack who has been in an area that seems to be potentially dangerous. We will be watching also for updates of young Ozwold who was VERY reluctant to leave Bonnie Scotland, but is finally taking a stopover in Spain where Roy Dennis says he can safely winter. So, will Ozwold stay in Spain? or will he move south?, on his own unique time schedule? We will also be following the adventures and misadventures of other tagged osprey, including Einion who had us holding our breath while he made a huge circle over the Atlantic, his siblings from the Dyfi nest and others that may come to our attention.  All this and much more is discussed on the Gabfest.

We expect to have The Second Gabfest Music Night toward the end of the month. The theme is yet to be discussed & determined.

This is the Freedom Forum, where fun, fact and fantasy combine to make a very unique thread. So come on in and chat a while with us. Our fire is bright and the latch is always open.

  • JUNE - Thanks for the video of Beatrice. Beatrice nests close to Mary GK and myself very near to whre Roy lives. I have followed Beatrice for many years since the summer she was first sat tagged and have all her records - migrations etc. I am fond of her as her sat tag was paid for by Tallisman Energy from canada. They have many oil rigs in the North sea off Aberdeen most of which I have visited. This bird was named after one of the Tallisman Oil Rigs Beatrice. They sponsored another Osprey Tallisman but he failed to return home this year - his transmitter stopped December 2010 at his wintering grounds.

    Another tallisman sponsor I believe was Nimrod who is still on the go but has a broken aerial but is still sighted at Findhorn bay in the Summer.

  • KEITH,   SO WHERE ARE YOU????  I was just about to post a Welcome to the USA, assuming that you have been in transit and maybe arrived in Florida by now.  Do hope that you are this side of the Atlantic and having a wonderful time getting settled in, reuniting with your California friends & making your reacquaintances with Minnie & Micky and all the small children of The Small World.

  • There appears to be concern reading the posts that I had gone AWOL.

    Not at all and will explain.

    Since Sunday I have been searching for a Haggis for St Andrews Day. For some reason they are as scarce as the Waxwings have been this year.

    Generally this time of the year we see many on the lower slopes of the hills and I generally will get one on the lower slopes of Bennachie. In summer they stay up high in the mountains and hills but as winter descends they come down lower. In some cases in severe weather and further North they will have hibernated by this time.

    I think with the warmer weather we have been having it is likely they have remained higher up and had to climb Bennachie to get one a bit higher up.

    MARY are you having Clootie Dumpling because of the scarcity of Haggis this year. They may still be high up in The Cairngorms.

    Did you make this yourself - Susans mam used to make a lovely one for Christmas.

  • JUNE - Not yet leave at the end of the week.

    Our friends arrive a few days later.

    It will not take any time what so ever to settle in just open the door - and will be seeing my little friends in A Small World as soon as i arrive thats for certain. I have already told Susan, Iain and his girlfriend of this - they think I am mad.

  • KEITHSo I'll hold my welcome for a later date.  Your abrupt absence from our midst did cause us some concern, but we should know by now to expect the unexpected from you.

  • B & B - I raed with your disapproval of The pandas coming from China to Edinburgh Zoo. As an alternative I think you and your friend can get dressed up in them Panda Outfits and get your skates on and exhibit at the zoo.

    I was discusing with Susan that we will have to visit the zoo in spring but it would be very entertaining to watch you instead in the exhibit especially if you can still do it as you and your friend originally did in the Kit Kat advert.

  • B & B - I even think Susnshine may travel up to see the exhibit.

  • ChrisS thank you so much for the video of where Bynack is.  That as answered most of my questions and very much appriecate it.  Home for so many birds "Great"

    June I am going to have a look at your video now of Beatrice, I have seen so many posts about her.

    By it has been busy on here today and vaguely see Keith has been on the slopes catching Haggis again lol.

    Yes myself and friend have sent the Panda Costumes to be cleaned and need a little practice rollerskating but we wil get there.

    Happy St Andrew's day all.

    I am going to have a read back which  I am not good at.... here goes

  • June thanks for the video of Roy visiting and seeing where Beatrice stays and you can see the joy on his face when he spots her and the same with Einion.  Is Beatrice still ok and it looks a lovely place to stay and no Crocodiles.

  • B & B - Beatrice is fine and has been spending the early winter as she usually does on the Rivers Guadiaro and Genil. However recently 23 Nov has visited Soto Grande as she did last year amy be to fish at the coast. She has carried her transmitter now for 3 years and 4 months. She is always first bird to leave Scotland and is settled in Spain long before others think of leaving. She never stays behind to cuddle her young but goes on wanderings as soon as they can fly.

    She got a new mate this year a local boy from Focahbers and they reared two chicks.