Weekly Chat, Sunday October 11, 2009

Hi all:

Lindybird: I responded to your post at the end of the last Weekly Chat.


  • Glad you have looked did you see the badgers last night?


  • Gosh, we're up to Page 17 already, & its only Friday.

    ANNETTE:   Thank you, you must have put out an order for me- this morning is very sunny & bright, and I have seen no less than 4 strings of geese already today-  they were each of about 12 - 15 geese, and on two of the groups passing straight over my head, they were so low I could hear their silky rhythmic swishing wings as well as the wonderful honking noises!  Great!  We have a beautiful autumn day here, and good weather forecast for the weekend, so may go for a day out with Husband and Dog.

    My children can criticise me, but they are always wrong because

    a)  They are younger than me   b)  They are male  and c)  I'm their mother, so of course I'm always right.

    After our deep discussions on life, death & funerals last night, I went to bed with my sherry & remembered happy days with my mother, watching her baking & being allowed to lick the cake mixture spoon. Also, how my father indulged me & allowed me to stay up late to watch the Cassius Clay fights on TV ( in B & W then, on a very small TV set) - my father also loved all the space race as we called it, and we saw together much of the footage of the early space flights and subsequent moon landings - how lucky we were to 'see' history being made before our very eyes. Great memories which will stay with me forever.

    Have a good day, everyone! 

  • morning all:)

    Margobird, just had a look at the webcam and I can see some large birds wondering around. The horse facilites would be for us as my wife is a very keen rider.

    How lovely, to think of Thornton liking all those things.

  • Lovely post Lindybird and enjoy your day. (The only thing I could take issue with is the "male" bit being one of 3 brothers but my mum is right with you)

    My father died some 13 years ago and my favourite memory is seeing him sitting in his deck chair, watching me play cricket, at some beautiful country locations. That is how I think of him:)))

  • It has started snowing here again but not laying......

  • What were you all talking about the other day, when you called it 'lake effect snow'  ???

  • No snow here on TI although it is a lot colder today and we may have a frost tonight. I went out in search of deer again this morning but once again no luck. Plenty of deer "sign" and tracks but no deer. In fact all was quiet in Southwick wood this morning and the only things I saw were 2 magnificent red kites when I was driving home in the car.

    Weather now is sunny. Temp 12.2c , Wind N 14mph , Visibility 40kms , Pressure 1033 hPa rising.

    Time to take Hamish out now.

  • Normal 0 false false false

    Normal 0 false false false

    Liz:  ‘Further info re the Osprey chick near Caerlaverock in Dumfries (mentioned by Cirrus about an article in "Waterlife" - which is the Magazine of the WWT for its members) .  The parents were young and it was their first effort - there were 3 eggs, but only one hatched, and it has been felt that that is what gave the survivor such a good start. Next time hopefully the parents will know better!!!!!!!!!! ‘ 

    So enjoyed reading more of the story of the  Caerlaverock Ospreys, - I’m just thrilled about the whole thing. Thank you for sharing.

    Diane: it’s GOT to be a ‘Storytelling’ of Ravens (please) and it will come from the fact that when Ravens roost they communicate to each other about ‘kills’ they have found in the day and where they are (I kid you not) and even if say, they saw Eagles interested in the kill ‘cos then they would want at least 8 Ravens to take on the Eagle and baggie the food find.    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ooo, clouds of ice crystals at ground level -  awesome

    Diane, Hollywood has done it all for us in the Terminator films with Arnie playing a cyborg.  Maybe the Mayans were the inspiration for the films.

    Normal 0 false false false OG, I am SO envious of your sighting. Sigh. I shall be going to Slimbridge tomorrow and hopefully they’ll be geese and maybe a few Bewick Swans there but I don’t get to see them ‘come in’. My hiking friends sister who lives in Weston super Mare was on her way in to Bristol on the M5 last Friday and the traffic almost piled up she said ‘cos they were all watching a long skein of geese flying across the Mway. (Maybe some of them dropped off into Slimbridge first :) )

    Lindybird, the comment immediately above goes for you too – so envious of your sighting.

    Enjoy  your trip Margobird. Safe journey.

    Annette: Normal 0 false false false ‘Anyway, the pilot invited everyone up to the cockpit to look out the front of the plane!  Can't imagine anything like that happening these days.’     I don’t do much flying these days but when I did, I always asked the flight attendant to ask the captain if I could have a look at the FLIGHT DECK (please note the proper term :) ) And I was always invited up !  In fact one such flight to Cyprus resulted in my spending my entire journey on the flight deck looking down at the ‘wine dark sea’ and I even landed sitting up front !  And guess whose luggage actually came up first on the (what ever it’s called :)  ). Maybe because I ‘sounded knowledgeable’ in my reference to flight deck instead of cock pit got me up there, I dunno, but, every time I asked,  I was allowed to at least sit for a time up front.

    Sue, thanks, I was going to mention the ‘charm’ of Gold finches.

    Would someone remind me what Thornton is please?  A horse? Gosh, better stop typing or we’ll all be running out of paper !!!!!!





  • Just took this photo of a fallow deer antler in my garden and of course Hamish had to get in on the action

  • Gary you saw the emus, there are 29 of them and apparently they are quire friendly so looking forward to seeing them on Sunday.  The farmer is also collecting 4 Rhea tomorrow so they will be quite interesting as well.  Yes they ghave very good facilities for horses and their riders.
