Weekly Chat, Sunday October 4, 2009

  • NEW BLOG : Rothes still exploring. Mallachie staying put.

  • Unknown said:

    Woodpecker on nuts and birdie on  hippo    !    :)

    Driving through Lanarkshire Wednesday saw "Birdie on Hippo" - well actually it was on cow, right between the ears, just like the ones you see on hippos on wildlife programmes!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Original goldfinch


    LOL  Now I know.  :)))

    Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.

  • LoL  Goldfinch:   That's exactly what the birdie did, well, similar - it walked all along the hippo's back and over it's head to its snout, whereupon the hippo took umbrage and opened its mouth sending birdie scampering back along its back to its rump !

    Off to work very shortly but just time to look at new Blog -thanks Alan. Just spied a bus add for a film called 'Dugs' (?)   - it had a Dougal dog in a lampshade.  LoL


  • Just looked Diana, that looks pretty bad where you are. Are you likely to get water anywhere near your place?

    Just used my leaf blower (hand held one) in ernest for the first time this fall:)

  • Original goldfinch


    I hate coming after you in the word link games.  Make it easy  LOL  XX They are good fun though aren't they?

    Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.

  • Oh dear, Diane, how worrying !  I'm sending you Sun thoughts.

    'Moringing Annette.

    AQ and Wattle -  any forecast of  rain in your neck of the woods? yet - of course, it's summer with you isn't it. I hope you keep those birdie bowls topped up . What with mud rain and drought it's hardly a birdie paradise right now. Hope the two of you are keeping well and are coping . I have friends/ex relos in McClaren Vale - is there drought there too? Haven't heard from them in ages.

  • Diane

      I am thinking of you. Please stay dry and safe!

    Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.



     The title said it all "Onto the mainland"


    Sorry and thanks for clearing it up.

    Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.

  • Tish said:



     The title said it all "Onto the mainland"


    Sorry and thanks for clearing it up.

    Thats ok. My GE is quite fast so I could find where Ganjetra is.

    The only source of knowledge is experience. Albert Einstein