Weekly Chat, Sunday October 4, 2009

Another week folks. Just in case you missed it, AQ posted the following at 12:41 a.m. Sunday morning:

Good morning. 10.10 am. Yawn. Couldn’t get to sleep last night plus we lost an hour as daylight saving started. Tiring but such an exciting day yesterday watching Daughter#2 look at 100s and try on dozens of wedding dresses. Funny (strange funny), that she wants me involved. For my wedding I was busy fending off my mother as, being the last of the flock to marry, she had developed a set of traditions/customs that were essential. Hm, I won some, lost some. As Dau#2 has been living away from home for several years, I am quite happy to sit back and let her decide her day.

Annette. Until you learn the new appliances are you eating out of a can beside a campfire in the backyard? Or on a diet of salads? LOL

Diane. Later I shall post some photos of Pacific black ducks on the Backyard gallery. Loved the Kakapo video – thanks for the link.

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  • AQ: I responded on the old thread - nothing profound I'm afraid.

  • Good afternoon Annette. Thanks for transferring my waffle. Perhaps you should let us know when the big day arrives (new stove et al) and we shall all drop in for the feast. Ha Ha. Dau's big day is next Sept - she has plans moving along nicely. I guess that's plenty of time for me to get rid of tummy rolls <sigh>.

    South Australia now has daylight saving from beginning Oct to end of March. March is the month when Adelaide has lots of Festivals, WOMAD, car races, and stuff. The unfortunate country people living on the West Coast (ie the western part of SA) do not like daylight saving, as they are so far from the meridian. The normal meridian runs east of our eastern state border; of course the summer one is even further east.


  • Hi AQ: Are you having a nice Sunday?

    Some states in the U.S. observe Daylight Savings, some don't. All I can remember is "Spring forward; Fall behind."  We'll fall back the end of October.  Don't worry about tummy rolls; just stay fit and wear something loose and comfy.  Had a good dinner out with my daughter this evening; she and I are taking off on Monday for a  few days in Cambria, about 4.5 hours drive north of here. We'll putter up t he coast, loll around, read, eat, then putter back  home again.

  • It's been a lazy day. Pleasant sunny day - I should be out attacking the weeds but tomorrow is Labour Day holiday. Better to leave toil until then :-)  Your trip sounds lovely, all that puttering. I must head out to the country again soon, before the weather heats up. And then <sigh> she remembers that the car needs a service. . .

  • Hey, Annette, how far behind are you now?  Timewise I mean. Here 'tis 3.42 pm

  • We're at 10:15 p.m. Saturday night; 8 hours behind the UK.

  • So 16.5 behind Adelaide?

  • AQ: I have a yard full of weeds. I was feeling guilty about them, especially a very large ugly weed growing over the stairs of my deck. But then yesterday, I looked out and saw several cardinals and female goldfinches thoroughly enjoying themselves eating the seeds off of that weed. It must have been some sort of delicacy for them. So, I say, leave your weeds. LOL Also, the "Rules of the Universe" state that no woman over 50 years old has to worry about tummy rolls.

    Annette: I hope you REALLY enjoy your trip and your time with your daughter. That is very special. Your home remodel is about finished, and now you can relax and have quality time with her. That's wonderful!

    Ok, I'm off to bed. Trying to break my night-owl ways. Take care!


  • Had two very nice glasses of Cabernet from the Santa Ynez area this evening, so feeling very relaxed and about to fall into bed. Have a nice Sunday folks. Night AQ! Get that car serviced and head for the hills.

  • Nght Diane (but it's already 1:30 a.m. in Indiana!).

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