Another new and the question is when will the ospreys migrate? It could be any day now. All four of then were seen yesterday but late in the day it became very quiet.
Tiger Signature
She has left already. I think the aerial was Tore's
Maybe SCYLLA was recording.
Is this the bent aerial ?
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
I have not been watching for the bent aerial , but it is a good identifier when we can't see the back of the head markings
Good morning all.
I just had to get up and log in to see who is around. I don't know who this is. I on;y caught a brief glimpse. Hope Scylla has video.
I think it's Bynack but I'm not sure.
Loch Garten stats. and All the important links for LG.
Here's the video:
OH Dear. The aerial is curved but I really am not sure. Scylla, watching your video, I could hear another juve. just before s/he left the nest.
EDIT-No I couldn't, it was the sound from the liive camera. Thanks SCYLLA.
Morning Scylla :o)
Thanks for the great video and super quick! I think that's Bynack but I can't see the leg ring. The ariel looks right for him but I must say that the face is a little pale, or is it that we have good light and are usually straining our eyes to see, LoL
I thought Bynack too - here he is again. This one will be longer coming because it will have to be cut, he didn't give me time to stop and restart - you know what it's like MOFFER ;-)
It is Bynack, and he's back on the nest and gone again.
I totally missed the landing :o( so yes Scylla, I do know what you mean.