A new day. Tore reaches 85 days old today. Interestingly Chick #1 migrated on 85 days last year. So we are now firmly in the migration window.
Hopefully the webcam will be back today so that we can see the last days of Tore and Bynack.
Tiger Signature
21:33. I wonder what she will do with the left-over fish?
If nothing goes right, go left! :-)
I have to go now. Good night all.
I hope that she doesn't stand there all night with that fish.
Loch Garten stats. and All the important links for LG.
Night Sandra :o) Sleep well.
What is that string looking thing on the floor by EJ's feet. Is it a fishermans weigt and line?
scylla said: I wonder why there was such a delay in bringing in the fish today? It's not as if there was horrendous weather earlier, from from it :-/
I wonder why there was such a delay in bringing in the fish today? It's not as if there was horrendous weather earlier, from from it :-/
Tough love, Scylla. Great to see both of the juves being forced (through hunger) to be much more aggressive in fighting to win the fish and to holding on to it. I've been critical in the past about these two being "soft" - they are toughening up now.
Playing catchup again and see there have been an aweful lot of posts since just before 6pm . Will catch up in a minute.
Put the cam on to see what looks like EJ looking out into the night. She seems almost lost with no tweens coming in for food as it looks like she has a fish
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
EJ still waiting patiently - perhaps hopeing a tween will come for more!!!!!!!!!! It was lovely to see her again in your posts, thanks for all the updates, pics and vids.
Maybe this is her swansong before she goes, who knows!!
At least the juves are hopefully realising that they are not always going to get fish on demand and that they have to go hungry, as Sandy said, and become more aggresive and fight for possession.
EJ is still there with that fish in her talons