Hi All:
jsb: At the end of the previous Weekly Chat are two responses to your posting about the birds with French accents. One is from me and not especially profound. The other is from Diane, and reads as follows : Lovely article. I always have two pairs of house wrens (known as jenny wrens here) who return about the same time in the spring. Even though both females are house wrens, I can always tell which bird is singing, no matter where they are. I don't know whether the slight difference is because they winter in different regions or because individual wrens have distinct sounds. I always put up houses for them, but, this year, one pair decided that it would be more fun to nest in the nook above my propane gas tank, where the dials and controls are. So I had to fiercely guard the nest from the gas company employees who periodically check the gas levels. The gas company guys think I'm looney but they didn't dare to defy me and bother the wrens!
Everyone: AQ posted this one: Adelaide 10.50 am 12 C. Pumpkin soup for lunch thanks to friend giving me 2 large butternuts. Today is the Bay to Birdwood Classic for cars 1956-1977. Once upon a time they left from Glenelg (the Bay), but lack of space means they now leave from West Beach (2 km north). They travel about 70 km (44 miles) to Birdwood in the Adelaide Hills where there is a Motor Museum. Next year is the run for the Vintage cars (pre-1956). A picnic day. A bit chilly today but not as chilly as Wattle's.
And Teresa had this tip: If you delete something by mistake it is worth holding the Ctrl key down and clicking on Z. In lots of instances it undoes your last action - not always though but still worth a try.
AQ and Teresa: Hope it was okay to copy and paste your comments on this page - didn't want anyone to miss them.
Sue: I don't know whether we will get to see the series or not. I hope so. George G had posted about the program on this chat thread a few days ago, so my ears perked up when Rachel Maddow mentioned it tonight. That's why I paid attention to the clip. Thanks, George. It made my day! It's good to laugh that hard!
Afternoon all. Just back from yet another shopping mission. This time it was to QD in Peterborough. We were just too early to see The Cheeky Girls who were there promoting a new beauty product range.
In todays Daily Mail page 5 there was an article about spiders and conkers. The Royal Society of Chemistry is offering £300 to anyone who can back the claims with persuasive evidence.
Weather today on TI is:
Medium-level cloud , Temp 16.3 , Wind WSW 31mph gusting to 47mph.
'Lo Annette,
I have tried the GE community but nothing REALLY helpful so far. You see, I've tried all the obvious things. Yes, I am double clicking on that yellow marker - acutally, you put in the date in the dialog box once you have clicked on ADD - I think it's called 'Description'. I have a young colleage coming over next Wednesday to help me with an ITunes problem and I shall ask his help about GE then. Otherwise, I can only try to remove and re'download. Not keen to do that as it took me AGES to find GE 8 and for some reason GE 5 would NOT download. Heavy sigh. As is, at least I can follow the migration - I'm so grateful for that !!!
Alan: I've read Dune - OUTSTANDING story - a great pity the rest of the series didn't quite perform to expectations. I often find that 'the First' of a series is best. The only author I cannot complain about in a long series (still not completed) - nine read and I 'm waiting for 10 to become an affordable price (though still in hard back as I am 'collecting' them) is CJ Cherryh. Her 'Foreigner' series is really good. She is just so good at 'relationships' (even if they are alien !! LoL).
Diane: you've made a lot of posts recently so your avatar has REALLY been in evidence - I just LOVE it !
Tish, I just love your avatar too ! Wonderful Buzzard, just wonderful. That eye !!
Cirrus : I am glad that someone agrees with me about DUNE. The books are far better than the films. Frank Herbert 's vision draws you in and you just cant put it down. I have just found 2 books that I have not read. They are LEGENDS OF DUNE 2 The Machine Crusade and LEGENDS OF DUNE 3 The Battle of Corrin.
They were written by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson.
Diane I am feeling fine. I have just laughed my socks off at the video of the parrot. Hope you are feeling OK too as I know things are really tough for you at the moment.
Alan: The books ARE much better than the films. Nothing truer - especially Lord of the Rings trilogly, although I have to admit Peter Jackson did make a sterling effort. Good luck with the two books you have just discovered. I personally, wouldn't read them again, Although, I would read Dune again. It stands alone! Let me know what you think, OK? (try and remember I asked :) )
I have been watching the red deer on Rhum on Autumnwatch. Great live streaming but sadly Titus has been killed by Percy today.
Hi y'all! Just got home. I`ve been shopping all day with mum and sister (creditcard now weeping in the purse, but a girl needs warm clothes here, right?). Drove them back to their hometown and then went to see my nephew`s brand new babyboy (6days old).
Totally agree, that books beat films! And I love The Lord of the Rings trilogy, I read it about once every year. Also I like the Chronicals of Narnia, first read it when I was a child, and bought an English version about 20 years ago to brush up my english. (fairytails and detective stories are very good for that purpose)
my photos in flickr
Tish said: Evening all. Are we looking forward to the all new Autumnwatch tonight. OR, will we be out.??
Evening all. Are we looking forward to the all new Autumnwatch tonight. OR, will we be out.??
I ddon't know. I don't like Chris Packham at the moment. I'll have to think about it. I'll record it though.
watched autumnwatch of course and enjoyed it although i could do with less of the rutting stags.i am always convinced one of them will be killed.
the jury is out on chris packham and the new format. i think i will prefer it as it was, on every weekday for a fortnight. can,t get enough of simon king and gordon buchannan with his wonderful scots accent
Morning all.
Diane: Oh dear, oh dear. Re the kakapo: A bird that can't fly but has forgotten that it can't? That climbs a tree and then jumps out? That needs an amplifier so its mating call can be heard? That is - and we have it on film - confused about appropriate mating partners? Let's face it, there's a reason some species go extinct, even without humans to hurry them up. But seriously, a thoroughly endearing bird, and we can only wish it the best of luck.
Alan: Missed The Cheeky Girls, eh? I bet that ruined your day. :-) But this business with Titus and Percy doesn't sound good. I found the Rhum video site but got the usual message about not being able to watch it "in your area."
I'm embarrassed to say I haven't read Dune et al. Am just finishing up Olympia: Paris in the Time of Manet, which makes me want to rent the BBC's "The Impressionists" DVDs from Netflix again. My sister and bro-in-law just came back from Paris (my favorite city) and said there are no old people there, that they suspect they've all been shipped off to the countryside to play boules... :-)
Cirrus: Hope your young colleague can help with GE.
Auntie: Shopping with your Mom and sis sounds like a fun outing. When I visit my sister in Lincolnshire, we just love to go pottering around in the shops - I really miss that.
Off to start the day; take care all.