Hi All:
jsb: At the end of the previous Weekly Chat are two responses to your posting about the birds with French accents. One is from me and not especially profound. The other is from Diane, and reads as follows : Lovely article. I always have two pairs of house wrens (known as jenny wrens here) who return about the same time in the spring. Even though both females are house wrens, I can always tell which bird is singing, no matter where they are. I don't know whether the slight difference is because they winter in different regions or because individual wrens have distinct sounds. I always put up houses for them, but, this year, one pair decided that it would be more fun to nest in the nook above my propane gas tank, where the dials and controls are. So I had to fiercely guard the nest from the gas company employees who periodically check the gas levels. The gas company guys think I'm looney but they didn't dare to defy me and bother the wrens!
Everyone: AQ posted this one: Adelaide 10.50 am 12 C. Pumpkin soup for lunch thanks to friend giving me 2 large butternuts. Today is the Bay to Birdwood Classic for cars 1956-1977. Once upon a time they left from Glenelg (the Bay), but lack of space means they now leave from West Beach (2 km north). They travel about 70 km (44 miles) to Birdwood in the Adelaide Hills where there is a Motor Museum. Next year is the run for the Vintage cars (pre-1956). A picnic day. A bit chilly today but not as chilly as Wattle's.
And Teresa had this tip: If you delete something by mistake it is worth holding the Ctrl key down and clicking on Z. In lots of instances it undoes your last action - not always though but still worth a try.
AQ and Teresa: Hope it was okay to copy and paste your comments on this page - didn't want anyone to miss them.
Hey Caerann: No idea what's with the gold stars or why they're there and then they're not. I've looked around the site and can't find an explanation. Just about at the end of the third National Park program. Can't believe someone described Zion (before it was named Zion) as "Yosemite without color," since it has that incredible red rock, which is so striking against the blue sky. 'Fraid I'm not a BCR follower, but I'm sure someone on the site is.
Wonder where R and M are now.....
Unknown said: Wot's wiv all the stars then ??
Wot's wiv all the stars then ??
Cirrus, I've just given you 5 gold stars! It's a way of showing your approval of a particular post if you want to. Just hover your mouse over the stars and thay will turn gold. Move the mouse until you have the number of gold stars you want, then left click. After i had my paly around, I tried to remove the gold stars, but it apparently doesn't work in reverse. ☺
Smiles, Jan.
I don't think the gold stars mean so much when you can award them to yourself. You can on some sites so I just tried it on here and awarded myself 5 gold stars on another thread. Wattle is right about not being able to delete them but what would be the point. If you have awarded somebody a gold star/s it should be for the right reasons and that would mean you wouldn't to take it/them away again.
Use whatever talent you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sing the best.- Henry Van ***
There is a program on BBC2 at the moment called the Last Chance to See where Mark Carwardine visits places where he saw endangered species 10 years ago and he has went back along with Stephen Fry to see if they are still there. He has found that in most cases the animals habitats are being eroded by man mainly because of deforestation. Its on on a Sunday night for anyone interested.
george g
We can only presume that if none of us are awarding stars to anyone then it is a glitch in the system.
Margobird, you mentioned on the diary page that you are going to see Joe Brown tonight. Hope you enjoy yourself. You bring back memories for me, as we used to take our children to the pantomime in Windsor and Joe was the star performer every year !!!
Brehda I am a huge fan of Joe Brown I am ev en a member of his fan club LOL. He comes down this way twice a year and we always go to see him. Still looks much the same and is a first class musician as well.
george g I have been watching this programme it is very interesting but it makes you realise what harm man is doing to animal habitats. I like Stephen Fry as well he is just amazed at what he is seeing and t the same time quite sad at what is happening..
quick "drive by "comment.
Caerann, Bay City Rollers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOLOL
I always think positively about Rothes and Mallachie unless told otherwise:)
Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.
Thanks Tish. Good to know all is well.