Weekly Chat, Sunday September 27, 2009

Hi All:

jsb: At the end of the previous Weekly Chat are two responses to your posting about the birds with French accents. One is from me and not especially profound. The other is from Diane, and reads as follows : Lovely article. I always have two pairs of house wrens (known as jenny wrens here) who return about the same time in the spring. Even though both females are house wrens, I can always tell which bird is singing, no matter where they are. I don't know whether the slight difference is because they winter in different regions or because individual wrens have distinct sounds. I always put up houses for them, but, this year, one pair decided that it would be more fun to nest in the nook above my propane gas tank, where the dials and controls are. So I had to fiercely guard the nest from the gas company employees who periodically check the gas levels. The gas company guys think I'm looney but they didn't dare to defy me and bother the wrens!

Everyone: AQ posted this one: Adelaide 10.50 am 12 C. Pumpkin soup for lunch thanks to friend giving me 2 large butternuts. Today is the Bay to Birdwood Classic for cars 1956-1977. Once upon a time they left from Glenelg (the Bay), but lack of space means they now leave from West Beach (2 km north). They travel about 70 km (44 miles) to Birdwood in the Adelaide Hills where there is a Motor Museum. Next year is the run for the Vintage cars (pre-1956).  A picnic day. A bit chilly today but not as chilly as Wattle's.

And Teresa had this tip: If you delete something by mistake it is worth holding the Ctrl key down and clicking on Z.   In lots of instances it undoes your last action - not always though but still worth a try.

AQ and Teresa: Hope it was okay to copy and paste your comments on this page - didn't want anyone to miss them.

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  • AQ Thanks for your response re books. I've made a note of those and yes, it would be non-fiction, but not necessarily Australian and please don't stress out over it. No biggie.

    Too darn hot here today.

  • Sunday all (10 am). Grayish morning here 14C probably will be warmer during the day.

    jsb, great article about the birds accents, thanks. I suppose the singing changes whitin the region aswell. for example here in Finland there has been conversations about the change in Great Tits springtime singing. They used to sing "ti-ti-tyy" but nowadays the ones that live in towns go "ti-tyy". But the ones that live in country still use the longer version. Somebody might know if this is a worldwide phenomen?

  • Just saw white tailed eagle in webcam here. What a glorious bird! (put some pics to mypage)

  • Auntie

    There seems to be a lot of articles about animal accents on Google.  Here is one I found about cows having accents.  It gives a brief mention of birds having accents


    I keep meaning to tell you that we used to have a member of our swimming club who was from Finland.  She was a lovely lady who was married to a man from Iceland.  They moved to Iceland after living here because of his job.   Her name was Perco (probably spelt wrong) and they had 2 children.

    Use whatever talent you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sing the best.
    - Henry Van ***

  • Thanks for that link, Teresa_. That accent thing makes sense to me.

  • Folks, thanks for the comments about 'Tweeting with an accent'. The newspaper cutting was pushed through my letterbox by a friend who lives nearby. She has recently lost her mother, who was a lifelong member of the RSPB. There is a connection here with LG and the Ospreys, because I used to visit the mother, Elizabeth, as her health deteriorated, in a nursing home situated on the other side of the road from my back garden. So you see it was very convenient for all concerned and I used to give the old lady news of EJ, Odin and the chicks on a regular basis. This news was repeated back to the daughter, when she visited and it gave enjoyment  to both, as the mother would say to the daughter, that she had some 'very interesting news' to pass on.


    ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data Site

    Sat track schedule Spring 2014

    LG 7 days; RW & SWT nil; LDOP varies

  • Personally I only allow birds with a scottish accent in my garden. 

  • sorry about harping on the same string (about white tail eagles) but there is one present now


  • Thanks auntie. Just had a quick look and it seems quite at home on the ospreys nest.

  • auntie

    Thanks for the link ... beautiful images ... you can't have too many webcam links & pics :)))

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

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