Tiger is back in north London tonight and so can start threads again. Having been to the home of ospreys everything takes on much more meaning.
Tore reaches 72 days today. Rothes migrated at 79 days so the end may be quite close. However I hasten to add that other chicks have hung on for as long as 97 days in recent times.
Tiger Signature
EJ with FIsH at 9.21. Not sure which tween has it
Loch Garten stats. and All the important links for LG.
EJ flies in with a monster fish ... she's already had some of it! A juve arrives and pulls it off her
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Not sure which juve has it ... there's a surprise :-)) That fish is H U G E
Thanks scylla. I missed the delivery, heard it from the garden as I was putting the moth trap out.
I'm so glad that Bynack has got some supper. I don't think that he will fly off with that monster of a fish.
I don't think he fancies carrying that one off :o
The 2122hr fish delivery:
He had trouble getting this big bit down,
Bynack "dealing with" fish:
See how EJ had well prepared that fish, head was totally gone.
Eating almost silently as the light fades.