What will today bring?
Will Bynack toughen up and grab fish from big sis?
Will he fledge?
Watch this space!
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data
Day cam on and sleepy head has managed to raise his head a few inches off the nest . Well it's progress LOL
Tore has been ready to begin her day for an hour or so
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
Tore is not waiting for Bynack any more . She is up . Did a few wing exercises, squealed and off she went
Now Bynack is now on the same branch where Tore took off and exercising like crazy.
Bynack flapping and hopping away; hope he doesn't fledge from the right or we won't see him go.
Bynack just flew all the way across the nest
He is calculating the distance to the ground
Fish !! Here is Odin with breakfast
EJ arrives and here comes Odin with a fish! Can Tore be far behind? Odin leaves...
That's a pretty small fish.
Oh Oh Tore is going to miss breakfast and be ornery again
Bynack flossing on a branch while EJ finishes off the fish.