Tore is entering her 52nd day today. Will she fledge?
Not convinced she is quite ready yet...but I have been known to be wrong :)
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data
Oh NO we have an intruder that just landed on the camera post and neither EJ nor Odin seem to be around . I heard it land and start chirping
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
Tore came in from her perch on the right and Bynack was shouting at the intruder while lying down. I don't know if the intruder left I can't hear it as of now
Tore is back on her perch on the right barricade
My sound was briefly off because it gets to be a cacophony if I'm checking a video and have live sound as well, I can't tell what is going on. So I missed that - but all seems well :-?
After the intruder landed on the camera post it was chirping and squealing as if it was very comfortable there. Garten???
Bynack having a stretch.
The blog said that there have been 2 osprey casing the joint but didn't venture any names.
It sounded exactly like last year when eldest would land on the camera post and squeal with delight
Eldest would only be one year old so it can't be him or could it ?? If it is Eldest there is no way to positively identify him as he and the others were not even ringed
I don't imagine they've had a very close view to be able to check the markings.
It's quiet... too quiet ;-)
I'm going to make a coffee, you betcha something momentous will happen.