So we reach Day 49 for Tore today. The fledging window is well and truly open. Will she fledge today? Not that likely but in the next three or four days she might. How did she grow up so quickly?
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EJ in to arrange furniture...
Wow. Trigger finger Scylla! :-)
Unknown said: Hey CC: 'Fraid I'm an LG-only type - found the LG cam after seeing the Lincoln Cathedral peregrine cam following a visit to my sister, who lives near Lincoln in the UK (I was born just outside London). Why did they shut the DPOF cam down?
Hey CC: 'Fraid I'm an LG-only type - found the LG cam after seeing the Lincoln Cathedral peregrine cam following a visit to my sister, who lives near Lincoln in the UK (I was born just outside London). Why did they shut the DPOF cam down?
Volunteers were donating time and resources to the DPOF cam, and ran out of money, energy (health), and other technical support. The nest is near the Puleston home. Dennis Puleston helped save raptors from extinction by co-drafting the bill that banned DDT.
I love peregrines - they are such lovely birds. Quite a few cams on them, too!
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And here's another stick!
scylla said: EJ's bringing more sticks this morning:
EJ's bringing more sticks this morning:
Good one Scylla! I saw that too! You are quick! The chicks started soliciting from her, too! She is such a good mum.
CC: I've given up trying to upload plain old still captures coz Scylla has her videos up and running before I've even managed to save my puny offerings. :-) What a shame about the other cam. Did you hear about the saga at Loch of the Lowes last year? The female almost died on cam before making a dramatic recovery - a total drama that had us all grasping our hankies and on the edge of our seats! Unfortunately, this year the eggs were sterile.
Wow, that's Star doing some ambitious flapping there!
Unknown said: I love peregrines - they are such lovely birds. Quite a few cams on them, too!
I just watched a TV programme last night about volunteers "caring for" particular bird populations. One elderly man and a young helper know all the peregrines in Northern Ireland, they showed the young from a nest on a cliff-face being ringed - in entailed some very brave abseiling. No mod-cons, just a couple of keen human beings. The peregrine chicks inflicted some nasty scratches with their talons, but it was fascinating to see them frozen awaiting their fate.
I was watching the Chichester Cathedral nest for a while - those chicks grew faster than anything I've ever seen :o
@Annette: Scylla and Cirrus are expert fingers! The documentation is great! Oh yes, I was watching LoL last year and thought it was a gripping drama I had the honor to witness - what a grande dame! But I hear there has been weirdness at SWT lately. They took down the open blog for this year, got proprietary about the nest and osprey, and now have apprently banned Peter Fern from the Wildlife Reserve! I can't imagine what is happening there!
I bet we see some helicoptering today from Tore!
I really cannot correct the typo above ("in" should be "it") because the rich formatting is really sludgy again ;-)
CC: I can't watch much during the day or nothing else would get done; do look in from time to time, but generally hold off until the evening. Also can't stay up overnight like some folks.