So, 8 fish yesterday!! The last being delivered at 2337/8(ish) !!! Odin the Magnificent indeed!
As Tiger says "What will today bring" ....
Just caught up again, thanks for pics, running commentary and vids.
EJ now trying to finish off the fish herself but I think its Bynack who is asking for more?
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Still can't upload pics yet, lets hope the technies fix the problem soon.
I'm another who can't post pics from my computer ... very frustrating when you capture a lovely pic and can't post :-(( The pages take an age to load and refresh for me too ... I've got better things to do than sit watching a screen which is doing very little!! Here's hoping the tech guys can fix it.
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
I cant upload pics direct either. I had to do the ones on th Rutland thread via Photobucket and copying in the HTML code.
ALAN/TIGER I see that over on The Rutland Ospreys thread a chick on Site B has been ringed with blue ring, just the same as our birds. I know someone said that the colour is consistent for the year, but I wasn't sure whether that meant for the individual centre or for the country as a whole. Will all birds that are ringed this year in the UK have blue rings? Beautiful photo of the ringed birds too, and really brings home the huge size of the talons and how sharp they are. Sorry, perhaps I ought to have written that on the Rutland thread, but I am sure the answer will be of interest to all here too.
Glad to hear the IT folk are on the case too.
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018
Shelia Yes all ospreys ringed this year have blue/white rings as far as I know.
Tiger Signature
Thats interesting, Sheila and Tiger, thanks for the info. I suppose it is easier to track this years chicks that way as with all other years having different colours.
Thanks for the confirmation TIGER.
One other question. So 2011 is blue (Rutland says Blue/White which I assume means blue ring and white script). Is there a sequence of selected colours? What I mean is do we know what colours will be in 2012, 2013 etc. Who decides? BTO?
SheilaFE said: perhaps I ought to have written that on the Rutland thread, but I am sure the answer will be of interest to all here too.
perhaps I ought to have written that on the Rutland thread, but I am sure the answer will be of interest to all here too.
It certainly is to me, Sheila, and besides the welcome info it led to some wonderful photos - those talons! :o
Re uploading pics from PC - all my earlier pics today were successfully and quickly uploaded from PC, but now I can't do it :-/