So another day begins. Star reaches 39 days today. That is only 10 days away from the fledging window.
Tiger Signature
That nest is looking crowded!
Yes, Tiger was saying there's only 10 days left before we might expect Star to get serious about fledging.
Thank you, Annette. I've been practising with a new video editor all blooming night and have just managed to dig out the right settings. Didn't use it on that fish delivery though. It's more for when one has time to fine-tune ;)
Geez. And I just figured out MWSnap!! :-)
This is from earlier this morning, a lovely view of Star.
Oh! I can't figure out MWSnap, Annette ;-D
Well, chicks are settled down with full tummies; EJ looking about and I'm off to bed! Take care all.
Morning all ... thanks for overnight reports and pics/videos. All seems quiet on the nest ... both lying down, with the odd bit of preening. I read that they have had a breakfast fish. I think I heard the gentle plink plonk of rain :-((
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Morning, Everyone. The nest looks calm, the chicks are pottering about and complaining, as usual! Thanks for the overnight pics and posts.
Morning All - All looks peaceful at the moment, can't believe how big Star is getting, she grows overnight.
Thanks for all the overnight posts and pics. Scylla your videos are invaluable for us that are not around during the night, I liked both your videos of today, I for one really appreciate them, as if you and Cirrus hadnt captured all the excitement from yesterday I would have missed it.
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023