Weekly Chat, Sunday September 13, 2009

  • hey Caerann.

    Weather much the same here in CT. I love this time of year but the leaves are starting to fall and I hate clearing the yard!

    The lady from Sweden is more on the main RSPB blog and the "parallel" Facebook site, I haven';t seen her post over on these threads yet. I know she runs a bakery so that is a BIG plus for me!! LOL

  • Lindybird: Good on you! You sing out those folk songs proudly! I had a proper rant this morning because so little attention has been paid on American TV to the passing of Mary Travers. She was a brave and influential woman. The news, especially cable news, dwells on such silly stuff endlessly, and I thought they could have devoted some time to her life. --end of my rant. :-)

  • P.S. My favorite Peter, Paul, and Mary song is "River of Jordan" (We Are One). It can be found on their Lifelines CD.

    Welcome, Auntie! Good to see you.

  • Diane: Terri Gross on NPR probably did an interview with Mary Travers at some point (I think she's interviewed just about everyone). If so, I'm sure they'll reprise it at some point. I only watch cable when there's a Major Calamity in the world - so totally sick of celebrity .... stuff.

    Auntie: Re walking in the UK, you do have to look the "other" way when crossing the street. Would be awful to survive all we have and then get wiped out by someone in a Mini on their way to Tesco (unless of course, they were going for fish for certain ospreys!)

    Off to read update.

  • Hi Caerann

    I'm in Lincolnshire now and we have Boston and New York not too far away from us now     lol  

    I remember reading about Rod Blagojevich but not the details.  It must have been bad though  :(    I'd better not say what I think should happen to these corrupt  politicians though

    Use whatever talent you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sing the best.
    - Henry Van ***


    Just so anyone knows (if anyone wants to!)  I was "goldfinch", but someone has taken the name "Goldfinch" with a capital G, so I have changed to "original goldfinch"!  (keeping my avatar for the time being)

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hi to all our new members.  I won't mention names as I am sure to miss somebody.

    I've been AFK most of the last 2 weeks and am busy trying to catch up on everything on here now.


    Use whatever talent you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sing the best.
    - Henry Van ***

  • Original goldfinch: Is it OK to call you OG? Keep your avatar for now or we won't know who we're talking to! :-)

    Teresa: Welcome back.

    Long day here in SoCal; looks like Saturday'll be the same. Sunday is brunch  with granddaughter (who leaves for Arizona Monday) - a goodbye and early birthday get-together for her with family at Cold Springs Tavern, an old stagecoach stop up in the hills behind Santa Barbara. Very neat old place

    I'll start a new Weekly Chat tomorrow for Sunday if that's okay with everyone - we're at - what? 11 pages now?

    V. tired tonight, so sleep well all - and have a good Saturday.

  • Saturday morning to everybody! It´s 9.15 am here, temp. +16C, cloudy and and allmost raining. Nights are getting colder bit by bit, and in northern part of Finland there has been below zero C:s....brrr. I do not love wintertime! There has been a lot migreiting birds. Heard a wedge of cranes the other day (didn´t see :( ). Last week there were some wagtails in the yard but haven´t seen them this week. Brownhare was once again nibling something between the cars. It is lovely to see "wildlife" in one´s yard.

    And once again, thank yall for letting me feel welcome here. I allmost regret that I waited this long to sign in, but better late than never, eh?

  • Annette - fine to be OG - quite appropriate as it will also stand for "Old Girl"!  Agree about not changing avatar - I would probably forget who I am too!

    Had a good breakfast time watching four woodpigeons all trying to feed from the hanging feeders.  We have seed catching trays which they use as perching platforms, but even so there was a lot of "Punch and Judy" slapstick going on!  Meant the goldies didn't get much of a look-in, but they will be back.  My "mr goldfinch" is  topping up all the feeders right now.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!