Weekly Chat, Sunday September 13, 2009

Happy Sunday folks!

  • Hi Caerann, welcome!

    I am able to watch the Peregrine Falcon nestbox link you have put on here. No-one at home at the moment 20:37 UK time. Seen quite a few cars and people though :-)

    If nothing goes right, go left! :-)

  • Quck hallo to all and welcome to Caerann!  I couldn't get the peregrines on that link, but googled "Peregrine Falcons Lincoln Nebraska" and got it that way, but also have not downloaded software for live version. Fancy nestbox though!  Caerann, there's me in Santa Barbara and Gary in CT (both former Brits - well still Brits); Diane in Indiana, and Barbara Jean, also on the East Coast but can't remember where (sorry BJ). Wattle and Aquilareen are in Australia in Adelaide and.....? can't remember the other city.  Also Caerann, if you want Osprey only stuff, it's on the main blog, and I'm sure you've found the other threads at www.rspb.org.uk/community/groups/lochgartenospreys/default.aspx

    Thanks Lindybird for new blog info.  Back  to catch up later.


  • Welcome from me as well Caerann. Great picture of the falcon:)

    As Annette says, I am on the East Coast in CT so we are getting contacts all over the US.

  • Margobird: I so enjoyed your post, and thank you so very much for the links! I certainly share your feelings about the way this society devalues and abuses animals. A good friend has talked about starting an animal rescue/sanctuary some day, and she wants me to help her. I would like to arrange for my own land to go to the Nature Conservancy or some other organization after I die, so that the wildlife can remain here undisturbed with the habitat unchanged.

    I also share your appreciation for the donkeys. When I was very little, the folks next door had a donkey. Every morning, my mom sternly told me not to go see the donkey because he might bite me. And, of course, every morning I slipped away and paid him a visit, bringing treats. I knew the gentle old fella wouldn't bite me! I've always remembered him fondly.

    Thanks for your lovely post!!! 


  • Cirrus: Good to hear from you!!! Thanks for your comment on my avatar. Yup, it's a Great Horned Owl. I confess, though, that I got the picture from a Microsoft site of copyright-free clipart, photos, etc. My photography skills aren't that good! I so hope that your computer problems get sorted out. I know it's frustrating!

  • CAERANN:  Thanks for all your interesting info.  In the end, I googled 'peregrine falcons Nebraska', and got the right site for the peregrines, although I can still only view the still camera pics.   Great, though!    It's always fascinating how nature can try to live amongst us messy noisy humans.

    DIANE:  Lovely to hear about your love of the wildlife, and what you do to try and help. Great descriptions from everybody out there about their local animals, birds & even insects.

  • Caerann: Hi, neighbor!!! I'm just south of you in west-central Indiana. Did you watch the peregrine falcon webcam at Indianapolis this year? This year's young have dispersed, but Kinney and KathyQ (the adults) can still be seen on the cam. They often sit in the nestbox or on the ledge, near the top of a skyscraper in Indianapolis. Many people are involved every year in the observation and protection of the young peregrines, especially at fledging time in the city. There are two webcams, one for the nest and one for the ledge. http://blogs.indystar.com/falconblog/ I know you will enjoy watching the Loch Garten ospreys and being part of the community!

  • cirrus

    It's me again.   We had visitors until yesterday so were busy with them and then I spent most of today washing bedding etc.   

    If you have an old computer do you have a menu button on your monitor?  If so try clicking it and seeing if you can find degauss button.  If there is one click on it and don't be shocked if your monitor looks as if it might take off.   Some do this automatically but one of my monitors had to be degaussed about once a week.

    Degaussing a computer monitor clears electromagnetic buildup from the screen. Although it is hardly ever necessary, degaussing can sometimes slightly improve picture quality.


    Use whatever talent you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sing the best.
    - Henry Van ***

  • Wow Teresa: You're a mine of info about computers.  We have a store in the U.S. called Best Buy, which has a Geek Squad (seemingly composed of 12 year olds!) who are super patient and not condescending with old ladies (who shall remain nameless) and their balky computers. Frankly, I find the Microsoft forums, etc., confusing. They often assume a level of knowledge which is way over my head.

  • Cor blimey, ANNETTE. Back in Schoolday Dark Ages I learnt that SA gets 20 ins rain per year. Now I don't remember most stuff I read in newspapers, so had to do some research. Lots of numbers! I discovered I still think of rainfall in inches (shh, how many years ago did we go metric?), so I converted all those nasty mm's. SA's normal annual rainfall is 21.6 ins (records since 1839). In 2008 twas 15.8, in 2006 (the lowest ) 10.1 ins.

    Adelaide this winter had 8.5 (average 8.8), 2008 was 7.4, lowest in 2006 was 2.4 (!!!!). We live near the airport, close to beach and our rainfall is even less, 5.5 ins this winter.

    Unknown said:

     Frankly, I find the Microsoft forums, etc., confusing. They often assume a level of knowledge which is way over my head.

      I hate those things that ask "Do you want to . . .", and they never have a Don't Know button.