So a new day begins. One hopes that the weather will improve a bit.
Tiger Signature
Almost identical pic with Cirrus' but is this a cute situation or is this a cute situation
my photos in flickr
Indeed Auntie - hello. Long time no see :)
Hazel B said: Good morning everyone, I'm desperately trying to catch up with all your updates, pics and videos at the moment. I'm going through every single one - you are all such a brilliant team! A most sincere thank you from me to everyone. Here's a snapshot of that delivery, how big is Star?!! I did a double-take .. at first glance I couldn't distinguish which one was EJ!
Good morning everyone, I'm desperately trying to catch up with all your updates, pics and videos at the moment. I'm going through every single one - you are all such a brilliant team! A most sincere thank you from me to everyone.
Here's a snapshot of that delivery, how big is Star?!! I did a double-take .. at first glance I couldn't distinguish which one was EJ!
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data
Was there really not a fish before 08.35 ??????????///
Well spotted AG I was downstairs and heard the commotion too late
A tad blurry snap:
Hi everyone :-)
Fantastic posts, pics etc. Thanks.
FISH!!!!! :-)
And here's one from a wee while ago. EJ's face reminds me of the time Odin forgot the bottle of Irn bru ;-)
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
For all who like cricket. The fish's off stump is toast. LOL
Hahahaha Paul. ROFL :)))))