Another new day and thanks to ChloeB we now have an easy way of checking the age of the chicks to the nearest millisecond! (well nearest hour anyway) See chicks ages.
Tiger Signature
It's obviously in my best interests to believe that, Cirrus - thanks for telling me :-) Maybe I'll watch that video after all.
They do have a lovely cam at Dyfi but I wouldn't swap, sound makes all the difference IMO.
Unknown said: Fret not SCYLLA, the fish will be dead, it's the nerves that keep it moving - (so I'm told :) )
Fret not SCYLLA, the fish will be dead, it's the nerves that keep it moving - (so I'm told :) )
Yes but have you asked the fish? :)
Ah. I've come back after being away puttering around, and found that I can get the still cam if I go through the RSPB site, not my usual Favourites button.....
I didn't have time to say Good Morning when I spotted the fish. ( at 8.59am ) Thanks for all the earlier posts and pics.
"Where is that boy?, we need more fish - and I'm having a bad hair day again..."
Thanks for 'catching' the fish for us, Brenda!
Morning all ... late on here today, friend called for a cuppa on her way to work! Thanks for pics and posts ... no live cam I see :-(
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
pam j said: Mary - Thanks for that link. Really enjoyed the video, etc Hard to believe now that "our" two were thar size!!
Mary - Thanks for that link. Really enjoyed the video, etc Hard to believe now that "our" two were thar size!!
Yes it is Pam, they seem to grow overnight, but just see the difference in a week.
This was them last Thursday
This is them today
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023
scylla said: Oh dear Mary, that's touched a nerve :'( I have to reconcile my love for the birds with my distress at seeing any helpless creature being eaten alive.
Oh dear Mary, that's touched a nerve :'( I have to reconcile my love for the birds with my distress at seeing any helpless creature being eaten alive.
My thoughts too Syclla, but then I talk myself out of it by saying its just nature, I guess its no different than hawks eating pigeons etc etc...