So a new day begins. Star is 34 days and Storm is 29 days today.
So the fledging window opens in just two weeks time. Where is this season going?
Sunrise at Loch Garten 4.18am and sunset 10.16pm
Tiger Signature
That last fish disappeared in 5 minutes. EJ calling again now.
Hello EVERYONE, thank you so much for all the pics and post (and video ALAN )
I see that Star is now the same size as EJ - ringing can't be far away. Five days for Storm to cath up :)
I'll check the forecast BRENDA
The 'weather' pics (rain snow mist and so on ) never copy but it looks like the remainder of the day should be dry at least despite the Rain guage saying things liek .8mm at 1300
How much IS a mm of rain anyway, sigh
1mm equals 0.04 inch or 1/32 of an inch. 25.4 mms equals an inch.
Cirrus 25mm is one inch, so 0.8mm is .03 of an inch - or not very much at all. When the forecast is saying 8 mm in 3 hours, or 1/3 of an inch, that's pretty heavy.
11.26 a.m.:
Who was that who just landed on top of EJ? and she din't shake him off?
Sorry Daisy, I didn't see it. Maybe somebody is recording.
She was making a great din; but I was also listening to a BBC video clip about a lady who had had lost both legs through having had meningitis but had been able to complete marathons in NY and London - what an amazing person? so wasn't paying too much attention to what EJ was doing.
I hope it was Odin showing that young whipper snapper Caroline referred to yesterday in her blog that HE ODIN was the alpha male here!!