Morning all: Just tuned in to find breakfast has already been served.
Both chicks seem happy now but EJ just got the tail. I think she is shouting that she is still hungry.
The noon fish delivery was a bit of a non-event, we hardly got a peep at Odin :'( and the Gems didn't exactly fall over themselves to get at the fish - Odin has brought in so much food this morning! I have the whole session recorded but unless someone wants the delivery itself and the eating, I only intend to extract a little bit of post-prandial behaviour from EJ - she started calling and hasn't yet stopped!!!
Just logged on to find the happy family, EJ calling and the two bairns preening and looking around their surroundings. See there has been a recent fish delivery.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Odin is shouting off screen, could it be an intruder??
Odin is not happy. I think the intruder must be still around.
EJ doesn't seem bothered though.
Just caught up with all the posts and pics, thanks guys and dolls great captions.
Welcome back from me too, Margobird, and do hope those antibiotics kick in fast and you are soon feeling your old self again.
A very small scuffle between the chicks but both have retired to their own 'corners'
Good grief ... look at the size of those GEMs ... I swear they've grown since this morning!
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Did you notice that Storm started it - as usual - with an unprovoked peck. And, also as usual, Storm got the worst of it.
I notice that Star is the one who does most of the housework, s/he seems to be learning from EJ whereas Storm is just bone idle - but s/he did play with the ball yesterday - so we've got one worker and one gamer :)