Morning all: Just tuned in to find breakfast has already been served.
EJ is intruder alert shouting....
Intruder alert ... EJ mantling and shrieking
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Morning ALL. Been lurking in the background. Thank you for the overnight and earlier pics. and reports. Three fish seems an excellent start to the day.
EJ is now quiet.
Mary GK. The bird on your fence is a young Moor Hen
Morning all,
Thanks for all the earlier pics and reports. 3 fish already so the weather for fishing must be ideal. I believe that is over 260 fish that Odin has brought to the nest this season.
Wow another fish and this one is a big Rainbow
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
This should keep them happy for an hour or so LOL
FISH - Big Brown Trout I think !!!!
The " tiny" ones having another meal :)
Unknown said: This should keep them happy for an hour or so LOL