All quiet on the nest:
Everyone has settled back down again, waiting patiently on FISH delivery.
Looks like little and large in this photo.
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023
In all the waiting around for the first part and then the upload for this I fluffed the title. This should be called..
After tea EJ puts the kids to bed ..........
They are tired now from all the heavy lifting. LOL
I am really going to bed now !
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
So there hasn't been a fish yet ?
EDIT Goodnight Barbara
Nite Nite BJ.
Nice video Cirrus, EJ is a good housewife, she is always tidying up, wonder if she would come and do my housework for me.
EJ is looking for Odin I am sure....
Morning, Cirrus, Mary.
1st fish reported by Annette at 04:18 - the better weather must have encouraged Odin to go fishing early. No Father's Day lie-in for this super-dad!
Yikes! I must be half asleep. I thought I'd started from page one - but I only took in page 2 and 3
Lovely pictures Annette and Barbara - how could I possibly have missed those !! and the all important Fish Report
Breakfast at 4.18 am Thanks so much Rachel it was your post that puzzled me enough to go back through the pages
Not around much today so shall look forward to others posting and having a good read when I come back
The crows are discussing something really important !!
Looking for mother
lovely captures, Cirrus.
Off out for the day (spoonbills at Saltholme and avocets at Teesmouth, I hope) - will look in and catch up when I get back.