All quiet on the nest:
OK my screen shot makes 3 of the same one LOL
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
I missed that delivery ... but that pic is priceless Barbara Jean ... and Alex ... and Hazel ... thanks :-)
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Lust for food seems to render the chicks oblivious to the rain ;-D
I hope no pilot in any airplane I'm ever going to sit in, will have that look on his face when landing
scylla: .asf recordings??? sorry I didn't get it. probably my english is not good enough for that one...
Cats and women will do as they please. Dogs and men should relax and get used to it.
When EJ does her "little Air Traffic Controller" routine she is giving Odin a space to land. But he doesn't take the hint :)
Titch inherited Odin's crash landing skills LOL EJ would duck when she saw Titch coming as she knew it would be another crash landing
The fish is finished ... and EJ is shrieking at Odin to go and get another!!
I head all the kerfuffle whilst I was in another room - glad there have been plenty of fish today. Our Magnifient Odin, even if he needs some lessons in landing on the nest!
Naughty Star was biting EJ's neck feathers again
That was the suffix on your video title, Alex [EDIT - that should read "Alan", thanks to Hazel for pointing it out], so I thought it must be a different recording "mode" (don't take any notice of my invented description) like .avi and .wmv.
Just got a lovely video of EJ doing that repetitive call with the raised last note, which I don't recall hearing before. Then she frightens the chicks with housekeeping (watch out, mum's about) and then settles down. Uploading as we speak.
I missed the terrific pics of Odin slapping the kids with a wet fish - thank you everyone!
My thoughts exactly Lindybird! Alex/Barbara Jean I guess we can never have too many pics of the Super Dad in action :) even if he misjudged the landing! I'm sure Storm had forgiven him by the time he was scoffing the fish ;)