Evening all: Just starting thread; back later... All quiet at LG right now. EJ snoozing.
Here is the fish. It looks like a big one
The chicks are hungry and EJ can't serve it fast enough for them. At one point Star and Storm each had an end of a large piece of fish. Storm won the tugging contest and the piece of fish
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
EJ suddenly shouted then stood back -
-then in comes Odin with a big fish. Couldnt catch him on the still cam.
Here she is ready to start feeding
EDIT: Looked like a fairly good sized fish, to me, too.
Hurray, Cirrus! - now you can go to work, happy!
Understatement Joan - yes Lindy. Off I go to work very happy indeed
I'm just uploading the video of the fish delivery. Kept it shortish cos these meals can take ages and the upload wouldn't finish until midnight.
In the meantime, another little clip "EJ returns, nowt occurs" (or nothing much, anyway).
Thank goodness the fish arrived in time for you, Cirrus :)
Thanks for the educational bits, ladies :)
Gee there wasn't much for EJ . She barely got a couple of small bites
And the Gems are not exactly sated :( I am very jealous of the Dyfi birds, the fish available to them are huge by comparison.
scylla: Once EJ goes fishing, she will show Odin how its done, as she always catches huge ones - the females are bigger than the male birds, and very good at catching the fish.
Great news, Lindybird :) Can't wait to see EJ fishing.
Here's the fish delivery (no chance of this fish being snatched away), preceded by great excitement and followed by eager wolfing down of tiny morsels.
Note - I may be teaching my grandmother, etc, but if you find the playback is constantly buffering, hit Pause, go away and do something else, and the buffer will build up so you can play smoothly all the way thru. However, in some of the live streaming today there have been freezes, only short ones though, but you'll see them.