Evening all:
Cirrus had a question in the last post of yesterday's thread:
How do I delete space returns anyone please??? I've tried without success (it's hard to see space returns :( )
Cirrus: I'm not quite clear on what you mean by space returns? Where are they and where are they showing up (Word? On this blog?)
Lots of happy feeding noises, from them all, now. Well Done, Odin theMagnificent!
"I'm a growing, boy/girl - give me a bit more, Mum"
Thanks for the update on the new blog Tiger.
Great photos of the wingercissing Joan, and Lindybird your captures are brilllll too.
When you see the size of the egg against those chicks you begin to marvel at them ever coming out of an egg so small!!!
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023
Its almost as though the egg has been left there, just to illustrate that, Mary!
I've been watching for a few seasons, now, but am still amazed at the enormous progress of their growth and development. Nature is just wonderful!
Oh how I wish I had seen the ducklings leaping out of the box. Does anyone know if it has been videoed?
Chicks are watching mum who just flew off ... and quickly returned!
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
It's taken ages to catch up today, you have waylaid me several times, as have the "happy noises" from the nest.
Cirrus, don't take any notice of my tantrums ;-D I just hated that you might have thunk I'd ignored your plight re the deleting.
Tiger! Thanks so much for the Dyfi video (is it pronounced Duffy, I wonder? They say it on Springwatch but I never take it in because my attention is more on LG while it's on :o ). Aren't they lucky to have such a posh cam?! Thanks for the blog update too!
Sheila, that's a great pic of the set-up in the nest area, just what I needed thank you :)
Has anyone noticed that Storm is sneezing now and then? I caught it on video just now but then remembered it'll have no sound :'( (Do I see £25 biting the dust for Debut?) Anyway, I also noticed Storm sneezing yesterday or last night. Star is feeling the heat, by the look of it. I hope they haven't got flu, having been weakened by so much inclement weather.
Last night the chicks were incubating the egg by themselves - so I thought it might be left there for training purposes ;)
Thanks to everyone for the great pics and comments.
Just had to edit this, got the chicks names back to front. I knew who I meant :-/ I do think the names could be reversed to suit their nature better ;)
Scylla Dyfi is pronounced dovey as in "lovey dovey"
Yes Emyr is a very good photographer and technical person in general.
Tiger Signature
Thanks, Tiger.
Here we have EJ and the chicks chilling out in their own ways, EJ has an eye on the sky :( ..... What a difference a typo makes: that should say :) ;) It even sent the site into a tizzy with the dreaded Error 503!
"now, let's find out what we can do with those wings"
Cats and women will do as they please. Dogs and men should relax and get used to it.