Evening all:
Cirrus had a question in the last post of yesterday's thread:
How do I delete space returns anyone please??? I've tried without success (it's hard to see space returns :( )
Cirrus: I'm not quite clear on what you mean by space returns? Where are they and where are they showing up (Word? On this blog?)
Wow, they are hungry
Fish, and to my amusement Star was at it first!!
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Some very noisy feeding going on. You would think they haven't been fed for days!
Thanks for the reassurance Cirrus. Star had both feet off the nest which was a bit disconcerting!
did someone else see, what I think I have seen but could not capture fast enough: Storm trying to get the fish from odin, having a go at the whole fish with his beak?
I don't trust my eyes so any confirmation would be much appreciated
Cats and women will do as they please. Dogs and men should relax and get used to it.
I saw it too!!
EJ telling Odin that the fish was just not big enough. They need more.
thanks Pam, isn't that incredible?
Oh my goodness. What went on then? EJ took off before I thought the fish was finished, and I thought perhaps she was taking it to eat in peace. I haven't heard the chicks being so noisy before. But she is back in double quick time, and is now covering the chicks again. It must have been a tiddler, which was why Star managed to lift up the tail end a bit, and why EJ is looking so bemused.
Edit: my photo at 4.50pm
Sorry, Alex. didn't catch that , I was having a problem setting a video going. I did see Star grab the huge piece of fish that EJ gave Storm and there was a mini tussle which Star won initially, but still needed Mum's help to break it up in the end,
Alex- If you look at Sheila's photo you can clearly see one of the chicks at the fish first. I thought it was Star but whichever it was really amusing seeing her/him trying to get in there first. Needs a bit more practice though me thinks!!