Attempting to start off new thread - it may be successful it may not but will give it a go as Tiger won't be doing it tonight.
At least 5 fish if not more were delivered yesterday. A lot better day weatherwise.
Family seem contented but there was a bit of drama with Storm ending up like an upturned beetle at one point in the day.
This is the present sceneall peaceful
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
2nd breakfast
All in an orderly line for grub:
EDIT: Snap. Brenda! Never mind, better too many pics than not enough :-)
Good for you Lindybird - I am never quick enough to get a capture...... what a lovely photo of the family!
and now I see Brenda H has also posted a photo - well done ladies!!!
I have a real dose of Ospreyitis, I told myself I must get on with things today but here I am sitting staring at the screen....
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023
RATS - (as Cirrus would say!) ... I was in the kitchen and missed the delivery ... but caught the end of the feed. EJ is finishing the fish and cleaning up.
EDIT - lovely pics Brenda and Linda
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Thanks Mary GK - now EJ is having her share, whilst the little 'uns (big uns?) potter about.
Not a big fish, I think - it hasnt lasted long!
Welcome to the Ospreyitis club, Mary - I'm not dressed yet, but have a hundred things to be doing!
Chicks back for seconds .. or maybe thirds!
Babies have decided that they can fit some more in.....
EDIT: Ej is giving them the last bits, and now starts shouting to Odin "Fetch some more, quick!"
Well done everyone for the superb captures. It is all far too slow for me this morning. EJ seems to be nagging for another (third) fish already.
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018