So a new day begins. For Star it is day 25 and for Storm it is day 19
Tiger Signature
Here is EJ just now, with what I suppose to be the chicks, but they can't be the same ones, surely? they are growing by the minute!
Oh, Joan, that's a lovely pic of the 3 of them.
They are HUGE aren't they Linda -))
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Hazel b said: I was asking the same thing. However it may just be on this thread that the text is bigger. Indeed it seems back to normal now.
I was asking the same thing. However it may just be on this thread that the text is bigger.
Indeed it seems back to normal now.
The text in posts has been made bigger to make it look different to the signature box as it has been decided that only normal text and links, no images, are allowed in the signature box.
Best wishes Chris
Click Here to see my photos
Lindybird said: Oh, Joan, that's a lovely pic of the 3 of them.
EJ is very alert - is Odin around?
Chicks having a face-off while EJ is away ... Storm decided to back off after a quick peck from Star!
Woodpecker Thank you very much for those links. That is very helpful.
New blog from Richard
Missed that spat, Joan! EJ is now doing her yoga pose again, resting her feet whilst waiting for Odin:
(sometimes I think she would rather go do the supermarket run herself,and get it over with>>>)