Another new week. I wonder what surprises it will bring?
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Diane, what a beautiful animal, but what a fright for you having one so near. ' too close for comfort' for me. I wouldn't have been sure whether to stand still or what, as I wouldn't know how it would react.
Morning all ... strange day here,weatherwise! It seems warm and humid, but the temp is only 14C ... it is drizzling, but the sun is almost shining ... and the pavements and roads are steaming!! I've just been to do the supermarket shop ... Tesco just for a change .... and I saw a lovely field of poppies, but no camera, I left it on charge :-( I couldn't access any of the site for most of yesterday, seems others had a problem too.
Diane - what a wonderful experience with that deer ... a 'once-in-a-lifetime' moment! Lovely pics of them too.
Alicat - belated Anniversary Wishes from me also! I hope you are treating yourself :-)
Linda - beautiful pics from The Wirral ... a place I've never been.
patriciat - pleased to hear your shingles are not too bad ... and good luck in the competition.
Lynette - take care with that bad back and sore foot ... don't overdo things.
AQ - glad your cough has gone, and that you are sleeping your way to full strength!! Looking forward to seeing your photos, when you can be bothered :-)
I hope margobird has a safe journey back home after her Highland Adventure. I'm looking forward to hearing all about it! I expect it will take her a day or two to recover, and I hope her cough didn't develop into something worse.
Thanks to everyone for chat etc
Take care
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
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Brenda: Normally, our deer aren't aggressive, although the males can be cranky and unpredictable when they're in rut. But my proximity to the big fella was a little disconcerting. LOL!
Joan, Just had a 'cloud burst' here with extremely strong gusts of wind.
Just remembered that Margo leaves LG today but can't remember her flight time. I am sure she is looking forward to a good night's sleep at home.
Hello all
Just got to the end of my first week of holiday - I'm not doing anything except relax & look after mum & dad's house & their dog. So we are getting into a routine, walking down to their house in the morning, taking a walk out with friends (two staffies & their people) then sitting around. Thankfully I have plenty of free books on my kindle :) Then back up home for tea & several trips into the back to make sure we are not being invaded by cats (there was one once sat on the wall so now she is obsessed about checking) She is snoring at the moment.
We have had one nice day and several wet days, fortunately the very heavy downpours were when we were inside.
Just need to catch up on the webcam today and make a birthday card for my aunt for tomorrow. Today we will walk on the nature reserve near me, then look forward to another week of walking and relaxing - I must look for some more books.
Lindybird said: Have just found a post on the Chat pages, telling where you can get a free CD with Garden Bird Sounds, FREE! from the RSPB. Go to Chat, then look for the post saying 'Free RSPB CD of Garden Bird Sounds', there you will find the link. (too long for me to post here, and I don't know how to cut & paste it)
Have just found a post on the Chat pages, telling where you can get a free CD with Garden Bird Sounds, FREE! from the RSPB. Go to Chat, then look for the post saying 'Free RSPB CD of Garden Bird Sounds', there you will find the link. (too long for me to post here, and I don't know how to cut & paste it)
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Thanks Alicat ! - I really must have a go at some of the things in my 'get to grips with your computer' book.
Hi everyone.
Just to say that Margo is on her way home. We met with her at the local garden centre for coffee on her way to the airport with Wendy. She said she enjoyed the experience - apart from the cold weather!!! Her plane has just left Inverness and should land at Southampton just before 4pm. There was a huge rain plump when we were having coffee just to see Margo off!! LOL
Diane - when we used to live up Glen Affric ( in the Scottish Highlands) the children has a 'pet' stag ( Red Deer) which used to come to the window for food! He was quite gentle - until rutting time!.
DIANE glad you both survived coming face to face. a bit disconcerting for both you and the buck i should think.
LYNETTE poor you ,, you really have been in the wars recently. Get better soon. By the way I didn't dare ride on the main road. I was on the foot/cycly path immediately along side the A96 and found that extremely frightening.
Went for a swim this am and then onto garden centre for coffee. First of all met 2 people we know from chuch, then another 3 wandered in and came to talk to us. We then went to their table to continue chat while they had their coffee. OH suddenly said "There is Margaret" and sure enough sitting behind our friends table we saw Margobird, Wendy and 2 others who I rightly presumed were Heather and Rosie. I know Inv is only a small city but what a coincidence that was. Margobird was of course on heer way back to airport and onward to Southampton.
Husky friend came for coffee yesterday afternoon. They are getting 3 more puppies next weekend, this time Scandanavian Hounds. Three pups at the same time. Nightmare. They will be brought up outside in large runs with well insulated kennels. Friends have said that once their Huskies have died they will stick to racing the Scandanavian Hounds as unlike their Huskies they can also be walked for pleasure.
Off out tonight to engagement/ double birthday celebration so not likely to post again today Bye for now
Well it has taken me a while to get back from the airport so wasn't quick enough to post about Margo's return and it be a surprisefor you all, I am about an hour from the airport and had to stop off for supplies .
It was raining when I picked her up from LG lodges and it was raining when I left her at the airport. Probably the dullest and wettest day of her week. She kept saying how green it was up she knows why. Did offer to take her back to the VC but she had said her goodbyes to her"Osps"last night at the end of her shift. She was worried though as Odin only brought in 2 fish yesterday though I gather the last on was enormous. I don't think we need to worry as they are looking in good condition.
I am sure she will keep you informed of her week when she has got some we earned rest. My memory of her week was she saw Odin from the VC through the binos for the first time.....child and sweetie shop come to mind.