Another new week. I wonder what surprises it will bring?
Tiger Signature
And a grand hello to you too Diane. Thank goodness your heat has 'ebbed', but my, have you made up for it. That herbal extract sounds more like an alcoholic drink to me, and if it does you good so much the better. I will think about you in six week's time!! I have only heard of nettles as being an excellent tonic for plants, made with water, but in much the same way as your potion. You then dilute it to apply as a feed. I think I would rather sample your though!
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018
DIANE Thank you for your kind thoughts. Hope your nettle/vodka tonic works for you.
Not too happy with bike ride this aft. We rode 2 miles to the retail park and I was really nervous as the last part of the ride was on pavement immediately adjacent to the A96 (the main route between Aberdeen and Inverness) It was noisy and very busy and although we were on cycle track I had visions of me losing balance and ending up in front of a car. Once at the retail park we had a break (coffee at Starbucks) and biked back. I nearly asked OH to cycle back and bring the car back for me but in the end gritted my teeth and got on with it. will stick to rural paths for a wee while I think!!!
Well, how fascinating. I have been continuing my clearing up prior to tomorrow's visitors. You will have noticed I don't refer to HW as often as many of you do!! I have just found a leaflet in a book I obviously took on a holiday to read (and haven't done so yet). We were staying in a small, basic cottage on the Ardverikie Estate, better know to TV fans as the Glenbogle Estate (Monarch of the Glen series). This was years ago. The leaflet says it is an Insight to the landscapes which inspired the hit TV series. Three places referred to immediately caught the attention: Loch Morlich, Loch an Eilein (the scene of an Archie/Katrina tryst when they rowed to the deserted island with the ruined castle) and last but no means least Loch Garten itself. Apparently osprey featured in the very first episode of the Monarch series. I loved that series, if for nothing more than the wonderful scenery - oh, and the romance!
Oh, I know just how you feel dibnlib. I hate heavy traffic. We usually have to travel a wee bit along the old A11 whenever we go out, but then usually can stick to the quiet roads. Well done though. Keep it up.
Another pic of the Shelduck family for Diane:
I love the Shelducks, too! Just such 'neat' birds.
Am also another person incandescent about the price of power - I think it is unforgivable that the old on pensions sometimes have to try and decide whether to 'eat or heat' - what kind of society are we when the old have to think such things? If things get worse, the Gov'ment will have to give the poor an extra allowance to keep warm - remember what last November was like!
Diane: Glad to hear that you are OK - if a little busy!
dibnlib: Sorry that the car window is still a problem. It is so annoying when you have to go back again, all the inconvenience. I am very nervous now, on a bicycle. The traffic is so heavy round here, and the drivers so impatient.
HI everyone: Quick hallo here; seem to have been out a lot this last week or so but am reading all posts if not responding to all.
dibnlib: I hate riding on busy roads and opt for the quiet backways any day.
Alan: Shelducks again - very handsome birds. Thank you.
OG: PInk jelly plant named just right. Hope your weekend isn't too painful.
Diane: Nettles and vodka? Do you drink it or put it on? :-)
Take care everyone.
OG - Hope you are feeling better soonAnnette - Is it the vodka or the nettles that is the effective ingredient? LOL
Friday Smile - "My ancestry goes all the way back to Alexander the Great," said one lady. She then turned to a second and asked, "How far does your family go back?""I don't know," was the reply. "All of our records were lost in the Flood."
Think I must be dreaming ... I'm sure I just read an interesting set of facts from Tiger - and now its disappeared. maybe I need to go back to bed and start the day again!
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Joan it is back again! :) :)
I just wanted to make it a bit bigger.
from here
Great slide show here. From eggs to flight
and fish and chicks