Another new week. I wonder what surprises it will bring?
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Rosiemac: Thanks for the update - great that you all had a good time with Margo; look forward to pix. As Trish says, the blog has brought all kinds of people together; the lucky ones actually get to meet each other!
Hello All - I see that Rosiemac has beaten me to the computer! It was great meeting Margo and Rose and we did indeed talk non-stop. So much so that I was all talked out by the time I got into the house. OH said that was a first. How cheeky is that? Yes Margo is fine and enjoying her first sight of the osprey family in the flesh. It was a slightly surreal experience for me to see the nest tree/camera pole instead of just the nest. As Rose said, EJ was perched on the edge of the nest and yet looking at the screens inside the visitor centre which show the same pic as we see at home, you would think that the young ones were home alone. I may not get down there again this week because of some family stuff that has cropped up in the last few days but I am sure that Margo will see Rose again, also Dibnlib and Wendy. I have thrown a chicken in the oven ,can't say I'm hungry, the food at Revack was very good and lots of it but OH must eat. Now must go next door and check on my neighbour. She is getting a little stronger each day, thank goodness. She'll soon be out and about again I hope.
Hi. thanks to rosiemac for the news of margo at LG - how exciting for her, and so nice for her to meet up with you.
Sheila - Fancy having a hare go across the garden! I would have thought I had dreamt it.
Alan: My peonies are 'going over' now and will soon be finished A lot of things came early because of the weather, but some have not.
Alicat: good to see you back, and to hear that you have enjoyed your time at LG.
Have just seen the weather forecast for the next couple of days, here - it will be clearing up, thank goodness and be brighter. We have had non stop rain since my OH left to play golf this morning, so he will be very wet! Can see a very wet Buzzard and her chick on the Springwatch webcam, just now.
EDIT: My OH came in whilst I was typing the above, and he is indeed, very very wet! Thanks to Heather for further reports of our heroine, margo!
Rosiemac & Heather great to hear you had a good yarn with Margo and a delicious meal by the sound of it. Looking forward to the photos!!
Surprisingly it has rained here all day too. What is this wet stuff, I wonder! Looks as though the tennis is likely to be off too which is a pity for those who turned up early today. I got all excited earlier when the covers came off, and the commentary team were nattering away. There was then debate as to whether the men were out to put the net up or put the covers back - it was the latter.
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018
Disappointing about the Tennis, Sheila.
Just been reading back on yesterday's threads - Wendy- I've been on Concorde - it was summer 1986 and I won a competition, and I and my two boys were taken on a short trip to break the sound barrier, then deposited in Denmark for an afternoon at Legoland. (It was a competition run by Lego) See that you say it looked very narrow - it was indeed, and afterwards I described it as "like sitting in a biro tube" . Not much sensation of any special speed, very comfortable and a bit awe inspiring! We were very lucky. Must dig out the photos, which of course were not digital in those days.
Off to cook dinner - only a pizza today.
ANNETTE It is a Trek T30. Didn't go out on it today as this am we swam then church. Then home for Sunday lunch, next off to garden centre where we bought a Japanese Willow, then the skies opened and the rain pelted down, so tootled home to walk Dillon and feed OH before he went to work. Now, just being lazy.
HEATHER posted a couple of bits and bobs for you on end of last weeks blog.
Hi guys super sunny day so went to Findhorn..tide out super walk on Osprey but 25 plus seals on sandbank. Coffee and home and then the rain came down. Didn't last long so did get chance to mow lawn.
Just had text from Margo who is getting ready for nightwatch. Feeling the chill a bit as I gather sleeping bag I gave her and a hotwater bottle from her lodge will be keeping her company.
Evening now is sunny so the view over the water at LG will be super.
LINDY sounds like a very good prize to win... Well done you.
My lesson now learned is not to ask Mum any questions at all unless it is the state of the weather at the moment. Upset obviously to find out just how bad things are. Wonder how long now that she can stay in her own home? Asked for prayers to be said for Mum and Bro at church today. there seems to be little else I can do
Thanks for the update on Margo, Wendy. Glad you have had a sunny day! It seems the weather has changed direction today, and the south is getting the brunt. The Canadian Grand Prix has been suspended after about 25 laps because of torrential rain, so we are sharing it!
Sorry for above long rant and also the extra big type. Completely unintentional, then didn't know how to change it back