A new day in the life of the Loch Garten Ospreys begins. What new things will it bring?
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Theyre very vocal today, scylla! what a lot of 'talking'!
Can hear rain on the mic again and EJ being the good Mum that she is, has sat down upon her huge brood to keep them dry.
I've been doing my own 'comparison' inspired by your pic Scylla
I've been studying the breasts of our two wonderful chickeees and it seems to me that although without proper feathers yet that both are going to have significant necklaces (breast feathers like EJ) - big necklaces like EJ - which would indicate that they are girls. It will be interesting to see what the RSPB say.
Storm's necklace is just a dark patch at the moment of course but it starts at her neck and contiunes down a considerable way on her breast. Diane told me that one species of Owl fancy the female of their kind that have big spots. I wonder if male Osprey get 'wowed' by females that have big necklaces. EJ certainly has a magnificent necklace.
The boys, like Odin , wear a much less significant necklace lower down on their breast.
Afternoon all, been out and about to Stamford where incidently we saw and heard some swifts. Glad that there have been fish deliveries and all is well.
Chick #1 was hatched 19/05 and chick #2 was hatched 24/05.
Thanks for all that interesting info, Cirrus :)
Here is lovely EJ - the first pic is au naturel, the second treated by Simply Beautiful Pictures. Very often there is insufficient contrast between beak and background, for chicks or parents, so our birds' heads don't show their beautiful shape - but it seems to me that SBP overdoes the contrast in places we don't want it. That's the problem with a free, one-click, all-over fix :(
You can see the beak a bit better in the second, yes?
The untreated is much nicer though, IMO. The search goes on ;)
Yes Scylla, in my opinion, untreated best too. Did you find a free video making program?
FISH ...... poor Odin ... nobody is interested in his new fish!
EDIT - it was huge ... he's flown away with it
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Odin has just brought in ANOTHER fish and is just standing on the nest with one claw holding on to it tightly. EJ hasn't moved, and is sitting, covering the chicks. All must be sated! So off he goes, taking the fish with him. Plip plop of rain drops.
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018 https://www.imagicat.com/
Excellent capture Joan. Thanks.