Weekly Chat, Sunday June 5, 2011

Morning all: Late checking tonight. Back later...

  • Weather a bit “iffy” today, so pleased we got things done yesterday.

    Diane – my first thought was space junk – but difficult to get any idea of size.  Seems to have three dimensions, so can’t see how it could be to do with light waves – well, not as we know them.  Most likely a hoax.

    Annette – thinking of your Daughter enjoying Delilah today.

    Lindy – no let-up in bird activity here – had an extra male Greenfinch this morning, and Starlings by the score, Goldfinches including young etc etc.  Had to take down the little bottle feeder which the Finches liked so much – young Starlings found it and unbalanced it so all the seed fell out – but Blackbirds have been mopping up some of the spillage.

    Off to be useful.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • A few words for Margo which have been going through my head for a few days:


    My Husband is a Headbanger:  he goes into the town
    He loves to listen to "The Fall" - and likes jumping up and down.

    It's what, for him, is music - though not much to my taste.
    He goes off to the concerts, without much time to waste.

    Last week, he hurt his ankle, when joining in the fun:
    Afterwards, he had to limp - he really couldn't run.

    He was so tired and weary, that when on the train, he slept.
    So late at night, and soberly, back to us at Looe, he crept.

    So when at last, he came back home, we made him cups of tea
    -  We listened to his tale of woe - just dear little Billie, and me.

    I wouldn't change him for the world, he is My Man alone
    And if he likes to hear that noise, I can't be one to moan.

    Just don't ask me to join him, in his jumping up and down
    But he can take me to my concerts where I dance and sway around.

    Each one of us to our own taste, and ever should it be so
    As long as we have the energy to ever Boldly Go.

  • Have been sleeping so badly recently but was astonished to find it  9.50 am when  I woke. So, I'll be all behind with everything today. Not so many birds in my garden of late either but still get quite a number. I think the adults tend to 'hide' away whilst they moult at this time of year. I regularly get a little coal tit -  couple of greenfinches, a little dunnock, small flock of sparrows and various other finches - gold and chaffinch. Blackbirds of course and starlings.  haven't seen the young thrush recently but my apple tree which overhangs my patio is so ''leafy'' it makes it hard to see what's in it . A young blackbird visited this morning and mum and dad are definitely still feeding other young.


    How did Rhys' visit go Margo?  Are you packedd?  :)

    Wedding in Glasgow OG !  Golly, happy couple could honeymoon at LG      :)  

    Look forward to your pics before Chloe's then Tiger

    Great pics of the Goshawks Lynette !

    OG - post only long cos (like me) you put in useful spaces!  Keep on keeping on

    Diane - the video has been removed by the owner, but we all know the structure was constructed by Gary Sinise's crew when they visited Mars for the making of ''Mission to Mars''. Gary didn't make it home of course, he decided to take the alien space ship they really did find (ie. not a prop) to go to wherever the aliens live now. They have to use a clone of Gary for CIS NY

    Dull and rainy here too Lindy  :(  I think I've lost my strawberries which came free with whatever it was I bought (no greenhouse , sadly). Great poem- I had a laugh. You're always so inspired.

  • Good morning all just caught up with the various forums.  Rhys' visit was a real treat he is one happy little boy even though he has double teeth coming through at the moment.  Walks everywhere and is starting to talk now, not that we always understand what he is saying but he manages to convey himself very well.  He has a very healthy appetite as well, really tucked into his lunch.  Hope it remains this way as his Dad was a terrible eater when he was young.  Bit cool here this morning and I had just hung a line of washing out when it tipped it down with rain.  Left it where it was and hopefully it will dry between showers.  Oh is so besotted with Billie he is now getting up at 5.00 every day so he can play with her before he leaves for work.  She is at her most active at that time, then sleeps all day and plays again in the evening.


    Lindybird that is a great poem, thanks so much.  Another saved in Word  so I always have it..  Have just emailed it to OH for him to read as well.  You are so very talented.  As you can guess excitement nearly too much for me to bear now about impending LG visit.  Not packed yet but everything is laid out on spare bed ready to put in the case.  I am packing all warm clothes as Alan  has pointed out it can be cold in the Highlands in June.  Would rather be too warm than cold.  Lots of layers anyway so can peel them off if the weather does turn out to be warm.


    Alan thanks for your good wishes re LG, not long now to wait.  So pleased Hamish has been signed off and he is well again.


    WendyB you really put me to shame.  Here I am beefing about a 2 mile walk and you walk further than that most days.  Hope the blisters are not too sore.  I was missing yesterday from mid-morning as I had my great nephew and sister (Nanna) visit. Always a pleasure to see little Rhys who is real character.  How lovely too see Dad woodpecker feeding his baby so close up.


    Heather B  not sure how many volunteers there are but would think maybe about 10.  Keeping my fingers crossed that I amy get some help but if not I will just have to leave the accommodation early enough so that I need to take a break on the way I will be able to,


    OG sorry you had been feeling unwell, hope you have recovered now.  Enjoy your trip to Lakeland nest week.  Congratulations to g-daughter on passing her test and also for being successful in her volunteer application.  Hope your son has fully recovered from his cold now.  I think you mentioned having lots of starlings.  I have loads visiting at the moment, all young ones and they are such greedy little pigs and messy with it.  For all that they amuse me no end with their antics.


    Diane love reading about the progress of your wasps and I see you have the pileated woodpeckers back so they survived all that bad weather you had.  The weather still having extremes for you though.  It has been really hot for you and now you are expecing more storms.  Hope they are not as bad as you have been getting.


    Cirrus  maybe they will pair me with a volunteer who has a car.  I will mention it again when I get there.  Not going to worry about it though, if I have to leg it then so be it, nothing is going to put me off.


    Lynette thanks for the captures from Glaslyn and the goshawk nest.  Haven't looked in for a while and amazed at how bith the chicks are now.


    trish 2 r 4 nights sleep to go now.  I am amazed that will all the excitement that I am actually sleeping well at night, but so far so good.


    patriciat so pleased to see that you have been able to watch the nest and our growing family a little more and see things that you have not been able to view before.  still thinking it is such a shame that we can't meet.  Good news that Tweed is coming along fine but poor you ending up on your back.  Hope you are not to stiff and sore today.


    Annette hope daughter enjoys her baby sitting duty.  Well done you on getting to the gym hope you didn't do too much and are feeling a bit achy today.  I am sure things will be OK at LG and I am not going to worry about that walk.  I think I will be so over the moon just to be there that I will manage walking OK.


  • Your packing sounds very sensible, margo - I think I would take layers,too.  Am looking forward to hearing about your trip to LG after your return, so please keep some notes!!!!!  Wish I were going with you. 

  • Lindybird I am hoping to keep a daily record of my visit otherwide I will not remember everything.  Fingers crossed this works.


    OH loved your poem by the way.


  • Afternoon all ... quite a pleasant day here ... but forecast very heavy showers later. Went up the coast this morning to see if the avocet was still there ... and there were three. Two were obviously a pair, displaying and calling, and the third was a single bird ... at the other side of the small lake. It was a wonderful sight, and they were much closer this time. A couple of pics that I took ... sorry if I'm boring you, but they are new birds to me!!

    OG- sorry you were feeling 'under the weather'  ... hope you are fully recovered for your trip to SW Lakeland next week.

    Linda - lovely poem for margobird's OH!

    margobird -  glad you enjoyed Rhys's visit yesterday ... he sounds a lovely little chap! I can feel your excitement for LG :-)

    Diane - interesting about the space structure .... mmmmm!

    Alan - glad to hear Hamish got the all clear from the vet. Hope you had a good visit to Rutland ... and maybe some good pics!!

    Thanks to everyone for chat etc .. I do enjoy reading it all!

    Take care.


    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • Wow, that video showing the Mars structure (see my earlier post) has now been completely removed from the Internet! It had been available on every major news resource, but now it's gone! Conspiracy theories anyone?!? LOLOLOL!

  • Hi folks.

    Lovely poem for Margobird, Lindybird.

    Alan - so pleased Hamish is a lot better and the vet has declared him fit again.

    DJoanS - fantastic pics of the avocets and glad you could see them again.

    Wind seems to have got up at LG again and EJ is sheilding her brood.

    Central Heating man has started upstairs, fitting pipework and running it underfloor ready to fix to the boiler, that will probably be tomorrow.  Lots of banging and drilling going on but we'll get there.

    Off to get some lunch, OH has gone out to umpire at Oakham School this afternoon.

  • Unknown said:

    Wow, that video showing the Mars structure (see my earlier post) has now been completely removed from the Internet! It had been available on every major news resource, but now it's gone! Conspiracy theories anyone?!? LOLOLOL!

    I posted this earlier   :)


    Diane - the video has been removed by the owner, but we all know the structure was constructed by Gary Sinise's crew when they visited Mars for the making of ''Mission to Mars''. Gary didn't make it home of course, he decided to take the alien space ship they really did find (ie. not a prop) to go to wherever the aliens live now. They have to use a clone of Gary for CIS NY