Morning all: Late checking tonight. Back later...
Brenda - its the overload of paperwork that they have to do now thats getting to her and what her DM did with a particular persons file. Anyway we have to try and stay positive and I'm sure that eventually everything will have a purpose and will work out.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Hazel b said: Surely this was one of the most memorable phases ever. I counted them all out....
Surely this was one of the most memorable phases ever. I counted them all out....
May have said this before (probably when he sadly died) OH and I were at uni with Brian H - very quiet, but always very clear-thinking.
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
Lynette - pleased CH job is done and you have hot water - one of the worst things to be without! Good that the next phase of furniture and shelving is all lined up to begin. I hope your daughter can relax during the weekend.
Sheila it sounds like you had a marvellous time and thank you for your description of your holiday. I must say OH sounds a very fit person to do all that cycling.
Will be busy tomorrow doing our best to get dau's old bed outside before the new one arrives.
Unknown said: Surely this was one of the most memorable phases ever. I counted them all out....
No I have not heard you say that before. It is very interesting.
Tiger Signature
Evening all: Re Google's "guitar" just realized you can click that little black square near the strings and record what you played, then play it back! Even more amazing - wonder how long they'll leave it up for, usually it's just one day.
Lindybird: On one of the long, lonely roads on my recent drive to granddaughter's in Prescott, came across - of all things - a brand new roundabout! WIth huge "Yield" signs yet. "Yield to what?" I thought as I zoomed around. Coyotes? Snakes? Roadrunners? (A bird that races across the road on legs that look like whirligigs). Wonder which politican brought jobs to his area with that project!
OG/Chloe B: Enjoy your trips.
OG: Going to pop by the Mission roses tomorrow (Saturday) en route to my friend's moving sale and after the Farmer's Market.
Alan: Gorgeous pix of gorgeous finch! Fab coloring.
Heather: Is your SiL still around or back in Afghanistan?
Sheila: Your trip included more excitement that you bargained for by the sound of it. The LG part sounds wonderful; how nice to put faces to names! But oh, more silly "rules" and no gas ring for "hearty" porridge in the hide. Still, you sound really invigorated by the trip. Brilliant!
Tiger: Thanks for sunburst info.
Cirrus: FIres are in Arizona; California fire free at this point! Re Brenda, unfortunately, we can't "fix" everything - wouldn't it be nice if we could?
dibnlib: Love planes; know not much about them, but love the whine of the engines! Used to go out of my way to park under the main runway at LAX and enjoy the thrill of those big jets roaring in just a few feet overhead! Wheeee! (Of course, hate actually being IN one!) What a shame that apparently trivial rules get in the way of much needed projects for elderly, etc. Watch out: Even non-wonky wheelbarrows can get out of control, especially on corners...
Djoan: Spoonbilles, avocets, what next! How exciting for you. (That bill is a fascinating bit of evolutionary adaptation!)
Very cool here today; no sun - I tell a lie, the first hint of it and yes, it's almost 5 p.m. Very normal for June. Off to investigate dinner options.
First Bald Eagle chick in 60 years has just hatched on Anacapa Island (one of our Channel Islands). OR
Don't get excited, couldn't get the cam via either links. Maybe down for the night??
Take care all
Well not looking promising for Margo's arrival in Scotland as it is damp and misty at the moment. Such a shame ans you can often get a nice view of Loch Ness as the plane decends. Simon flew up yesterday albeit in a small plane and it was wall to wall views.
Talking of planes it was through Concord that I discovered Lundy Island. My first husband spent a month there in the 70's recording the sonic booms that she made.He worked for Civil Aviation Authority. Really hard work as it only happened twice a day and he came back and had already booked a cottage for the next year. It was a love affair with a special place until he passed away. My youngest and I still go there but it doesn't hold the same draw for my eldest.
Wendy, it's sunny in Inverness at the moment. Blue skies and a few white fluffy clouds, so maybe Margo will be lucky after all!