Morning all: Late checking tonight. Back later...
You're welcome Cirrus - & hope your friends problems can be resolved soon. It is stressful worrying about things you can't do much about.
-- our hailstorm has passed, and the birds all look a little bemused - isnt it supposed to be summer now?
That'll be the hailstorm we had up in Inverness last night, Lindy. Now we're in the middle of a thunderstorm - loud rumblings and flashes of lightning. Summer! Doh!
Hoping to meet Margo at some point next week.
Peregrine chicks named at Nottingham Trent:
This weather is gettng curiouser and curiouser - are we all in an Alice in Wonderland book? Yesterday I went out with sunglasses on and no coat, to be caught in a violent downpour, and came back with wet clothes and umbrella! - all in the space of half an hour.
Nice to know that you might get chance to meet margo, Rosiemac she is so looking forward to her LG visit.
Good afternoon everyone...Hope you are all well
Thank you Lindybird for your cheery flower photo, it really did hit the spot! It was one of those days today.
MARGOBIRD Please see message on your personal page.
didn't go into therapy as originally planned last week - it is now delayed, possibly till August.
Very impressive storm here this aft. spectacular thunder and lightening.
Dibnlib - How very frustrating for you, you would have been all geared up for it. I will PM you
Afternoon all ... benn out for most of the day ... OH had a job to do up the coast. I cadged a lift and we called at several Nature Reserves on the way back ... and also had lunch out! We had a great view of a pair of buzzards hunting low over the reed beds ... too far away for pics, but brilliant through the binoculars. Also saw a few partridge which we don't see very often. OH has now decided that we need a new camera with more powerful lenses, so is doing some research. We have had funny weather here too ... lovely while we were out, but nipped to ASDA for a few things and got drenched. ASDA is only about a mile away and there was no rain at home!
Alan - lovely blackbird pics ... and those Egyptian goslings ... so cute!
Trish 2 - that is very disappointing about the fields ... so sad for the wildlife too.
Tiger - thanks for the links ... excellent stuff!
margobird - that was great news for you from LG ... being paired with someone with a car is wonderful! Sounds like you are going to meet up with a few people from on here by the sound of it.
Linda - gorgeous flower pic ... not that I need cheering up, but lovely all the same :-)
Diane - those poor rabbits sheltering from the heat under your car. Your wasp nest sounds fascinating ... just be careful!
Cirrus - that is so sad about your friend Brenda ... and you are such a good friend to her. Some carers these days just seem to do the very basics ... I have heard a few people round here complaining that "things aren't what they used to be".
OG - thanks for the info about freezing your herbs ... I must try that!
Right ... must stop now and get sorted! Thanks to all for chat etc.
Take care.
EDIT - dibnlib - just seen your post ... such a shame about your therapy being delayed.
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Wonderful names for the Peregines Alan !!!!!
It's great to be able to meet each other Rosiemac
Hello bettyboo
And Dibnlib - I hope the delay is good news and things are not going to get worse because of the delay !! It's often best just to get things ''over with'' isn't it. Hope you are OK about thisl
EJ now having a tussle with the tail fin 00ps wrong thread