Weekly Chat, Sunday June 5, 2011

  • I love this short little video clip. The police gave a goose and her goslings a 20-minute escort as the birds walked along the edge of a busy superhighway. A good egg award to the Washington State Police Patrol!!! Geese on highway

    OG: Glad you're feeling better. Don't overdue it today getting ready for your trip. :-)
    Joan: Wonderful photos of the spoonbills. Just love them!

    I see that Odin was missing in action for a while this morning. Looks like all is well now. Phew! I don't think it hurt those fat chickies to miss a meal.

    Can't stay around long. We had thunderstorms that woke me up really early, so I'm going to get started on my long To-Do List for today.

    Will check in later. Everyone have a GRAND weekend!

  • Hi All

    Just my introduction that was suggested by Cirrus that I should post here.......

    Thanks all for the welcome messages - yes I am totally hooked......   Am now thinking of carrying my laptop around everywhere I go....  Need one of those portable tablets I think.....  Have been taking sneaky peaks whilst at work too :-)  Hope I don't get caught !!!....

    I have been hooked on Ospreys for a few years now - We missed seeing them by a day over 10 years ago now when we visited LG during a camping holiday - it was early September and they had just left on migration.  Got back home and a friend mentioned he had seen one in Clumber Park - not 10 miles away from us!!!  What luck eh ?? Might well have been one from LG then....

    We went to Bassenthwaite about 6 years ago but could not really see a lot - as they were so far away from the viewpoint - across the Lake.  Most disappointed....

    However in July last year we stayed at Boat of Garten in our campervan (progression !!!) and visited LG - the day the last chick fledged.....   It was fantastic we spent ages there - everyone was so informative and helpful...  We saw all 5 ospreys all at once - and a great fly over the main viewing area by EJ.  It was captivating.  We came home via Keilder and visited the centre there too. Couldn't actually see the nest though just the webcam....  I was just catching up on the 2011 Sightings and I see I missed one at Clumber Park Nottingham yesterday - Shame again.....  


  • Happy to see you've found us FlashSadie

    Hello to all and I'll posting properly later . How  I am envying Margo. Sigh.

  • Afternoon all,

    Back from Stamford where we wandered about the town and Lady P bought some 'stuff'. Saw and heard some swifts although probably not as many as in previous years. It has been a bright sunny day so far and quite warm after a chilly start. We have officially been called a drought area and the farmers have been told to stop taking water from the rivers to water their fields. I expect we will be getting sandstorms next and people will be riding about on camels.

    Sheila : Thanks for telling us about the holiday. Sounds like you had a great time at LG. Not sure about all this cycling though as the roads are so dangerous for cyclists. I have in the past cycled round Rutland Water although that was some years ago.

    Everyone else thanks for the chat. Also thinking of Margo.

  • Quick reply to Alan.   A laugh out loud moment re the sandstorms and the camels. And i hope the famers ignore what they have been told. If they lose their crops it could put them out of business for crying out. Let's have stand pipes for ordinary customers and give the water to farmers.  'Course I suppose I don't really know what I'm talking about.

  • Afternoon all ... raining steadily here and has been since about 11 .... great for the garden!

    Alan - love the sandstorms and camels :-))

    Diane - great video of the geese and their police 'shepherds'!

    OG - pleased to hear that you slept well ... hope your hand is not troublesome. Enjoy your holiday, and I hope the weather behaves for you.

    Tiger - wonderful clips ... thanks for the link

    dibnlib - loved your post about the aircraft ... love planes ... old and new. Always see the planes flying over here when the Sunderland Airshow is on at the end of July.

    No more birdspotting trips in the offing ... OH is working all next week and we don't like going at weekends ... too many folk about (how unsociable are we!!)

    Thanks to everyone for chat etc. Thinking of margo and how excited she must be at the moment ... no doubt Wendy will tell us!!

    Take care.

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • Brilliant tennis from Andy Murray. He is making Roddick look rubbish. Hope he plays like this at Womble land.

  • Just to say that Margo's plane landed about 15 mins early at Inverness and she is on her way to LG with Wendy.

  • Thanks, rosiemac!  - we are all on our way, too, with margo's Big Adventure.  I think I'm not the only one who's mentally taking the journey, too.