Morning all: Must catch up on yesterday's acvitives; night cam at LG with EJ on nest. (Wrote "OG on nest" - what a picture!) :-))
EJ keeping her head down ... but showing off her beautifully marked feathers!
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Hello everybody. Back from hike.
Great! 5 fish so far.
Must go put my feet up...
EJ just had a brief flyabout break, then returned with a huge 'CLUNK!' -- showing us her lovely feathers again - we need someone who can do a colour pic....
Thanks for all the pictures and commentary!! I read that an adult Osprey eats 2 fish a day. So 4 fish between EJ and Odin because he does come and take the left overs. I would think 1 whole fish for each chick would be all they could really eat. That would be 6 fish a day. Yesterday I think he delivered 7 fish . No wonder they are stuffed.
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
He seems to be keeping up with his wonderful rate of fishing as per last year Barbara Jean - and there are only 2 chickies to feed, so they will no doubt be e n o r m o u s in no time.... that nest will soon be only just big enough for the 4 of them!
-- Hooray for Odin the Magnificent!
Fish 6
I presume from the fuss, the feeding, and Odin's presence, that there has been a fish delivery!
Family supper
We don't usually see them feeding from this angle!